Has anyone tried restoration of foreskin after healing from circumcision , their are some devices available on the internet . I am 3 weeks post circumcision ... have to bandage every day ...not feeling confortable without bandage .
Has anyone tried restoration of foreski... - Men's Health Forum
Has anyone tried restoration of foreskin after healing from circumcision

You really must take off the bandages. Yeah, I know, it will hurt but wear tight underwear and you will feel less pain. After a few days, the pain will be gone and the feeling will be very good afterwards. No need for a foreskin restoration!
That practice is actually quite popular, encompassing tens of thousands of men. It’s something which takes from 2-5 years, and often more to create a reasonably authentic replica of the original. foreskinrestore.com is a good resource at which to learn about one of the best tools in the market. It does however require a certain amount of tissue to be useable. If you’re cut tight, learn how to begin at norm.org.
While the practice dates back 2,000 years, recent practices dates to about 1983. Over the years, there have been good discussion groups online. Reddit offers a few and a Google search will offer more. At norm.org you can learn of chapters close to you where you can attend meetings at which you can learn firsthand.
Did you know anyone who tried it
Yes I do. Each reports increased sensitivity after the extra layers of tissue peel off the glans. They also report a sense of restoration of wholeness after suffering for many years from the same emotions which are reported by those having lost limbs to amputation. I was privileged to attend a meeting of NORM a few years ago in San Francisco. That same day, I also attended another meeting of NOHARMM and heard an emotional testimony of a man who was experiencing emotional healing from his bris.
When should one start the practice of trying to restore after circumcision and which device or method is best ?
As soon as swelling gone, you’re good to go. Method would be according to what you have left. When flaccid, if you can still roll the skin up 1/2 way or more over the head, you could use DTR, possibly the best device. It’s easy to use, comfortable to wear, and highly effective. Cost is $80 US plus shipping and any options. The air accessory speeds up results.
I’m curious why you allowed yourself to be circumcised.
It can be a slow process but you do have to remove those bandages to let the healing process work. The more exposure it gets to normal life the better. Try showering and slowly increase the water pressure this helps to desensitise.
Does desenstized .. lessen the sexual pleasure ...and i heard female partners less satisfied of circumcisied men . I hope its not true
In time, exposure of the delicate mucosa of the glans becomes covered with many more layers of tissues, in the manner of a calous. Naturally that process causes sensitivity loss. The greatest loss is of the frenar band which is richly endowed with special nerves to impart pleasure by rubbing over the corona and glans. If there were not enough loss, up to 20,000 nerves of the inner foreskin mucosa can be severed. If your cut is in the middle of your shaft, you were spared that loss. Any cut close to the sulcus pretty much wipes out over 1/2 of the recptors. Restoration will bring back feelings to the glans and any foreskin remnant.
Immediately after circumcision, most guys report increased feelings, primarily because the newly exposed surfaces are being touched for the first time and nerves have not yet been conditioned to touch.
You can read personal testamonies of circumcised men at norm.org and various other sites.
Desensitised should just mean you do not feel pain with the head exposed. I use cocoa butter daily to keep the head from drying out. you often find non circ' men saying women prefer that and cut men saying the opposite so just go with your own experience. My wife say she has no preference good sex is good sex. It ain't what you got it the way that you use it !
It is a balance, you do not want to be so sensitive as to be in pain but yes you do need some sensitivity to experience the pleasure. Different people would give you different answers on that question. In some ways a circumcised penis is better for the woman. It is a different feeling and you will find some things are better others not. Plenty of practice is my advice !
I was advised six weeks, and although it was tough I waited 'til the last. I was scared of anything going wrong and in the early days the pain was horrendous. Well worth the wait though !
Sagar ... Unfortunate your doctor didn't tell you that stretching would have solved your phimosis ... and left you with a fully functional foreskin, and no pain or weeks of unnecesary healing and discomfort.. However, there are about 16,000 men at restoringforeskin.org ... and this book details several great reasons to restore:
Stretching doesn't work. His doctor did the right thing.
The doctor did the thing that brought him a healthy addition to his bank account, but, as you know, stretching always works except for the men like you, who give up ... too lazy to save the most sensitive tissue on a man's body ...
You’re attempting to discredit two of us with years of experience dealing with this subject. In addition, you’r ignoring medical science which has proven than skin expansion methods work. Such methods are commonly used to repair burn victims and mastectomy patients. Your prejudice and bias don’t cut it.
Stretching exercises do not, indeed cannot, work when the phimosis is severe. The foreskin has only so much elasticity, which is why it will not expand enough to pass over the much wider glans. When you stretch it beyond this elastic limit you create minute tears in the thin inner layer. These heal to scar tissue which is even less elastic than the surrounding tight skin. The phimosis is thus made worse rather than better. But this is something the anti-circumcision activists never tell!
If you ask my opinion on what his Dr should have done I would say that was wrong for him to do the circumcision before first trying other options. Amputation of any human body part is a last resort . If he exhausted all options then he wouldnt be here because it would have been solved. Every case that I have ever seen a problem with the foreskin can be solved without removing it. Because of this I have never had to perform a circumcision
A urologist, a Dr usually contests another Drs diagnosis. Especially if he feels that the care being given is inadequate.
Not true! And if you would have tried it you would know it isn't true.
Nope, it doesn't!
After being circumcised as baby, I had been led to believe having a foreskin was better. So I spent years restoring it, and the results were horrible with fake foreskin. It was always bunching up at the base, and flopping around during sex. I recently went for another circumcision and had it all removed. I would advise anyone against restoration. I should probably change my name from SadWilly, too HappyWilly. A very happy Willy indeed!