Hello everyone,
I've only just discovered this website after having a consultant meeting and researching his diagnosis so this is my first post.
I'm 29 and when I was about 8 I had an infenction which has meant for all of my life I've had Phimosis. Its not caused me any pain, problems or lack of pleasure with sex so haven't gone back to the doctor. Circumcision was mentioned when I was 8 so its been a thing apearing in my mind occasionally ever since and I've never thought its a good idea.
Over the last two years I've been stretching my forskin to try and fix the Phimosis myself (which has been fairly successful). In doing so I found a redness that didn't look right, went to the doc and he said it looks like Zoon's Balanitis (I agree with him from my research afterwards).
I have a feeling this is something I've had for as long as I can remember because I've always had an area of extra sensitivity in the area but I've just never been able to see it so am not 100% sure. I also remember seeing an area of redness when I tried a previous regime of stretching about 10 years ago (stupid for not getting it checked I know...). I've still got quite a bit of the forskin attached to the head of my penis. The only option he really gave was circumcision, there was a mention of steriod cream but was glossed over very quickly.
From my reasearch it seems there isn't any long term issues with Zoon's Balanitis (I have asked my doctor to confirm) so my feeling with the info I have at the moment is to ask for a course of steriod cream and continue the streatching I've been doing.
However both my GP and Consultant are suggesting circumcision, which isn't really something I want to do. From the info I have at the moment the risks of circumcision and detrimental change outweight any benifits. Though I realise that could change with more information and a change in diagnosis.
The reason for this post is to ask specifically for anyones experience who has been circumcised later in life due to phimosis. I have found pleanty of people saying it was amazing due to the pain or discomfort they were having due to phimosis but there doesn't seem to be anyone with a similar kind of experience to me.
So my questions are have you had a circumcision later in life after realising you had (non-painful) phimosis? If so how did things change for you? How did sensitivity and pleasure change? Did it increase (because of never having your head exposed and so the reduction in sensitivity reported by others without phimosis was offset)? Were they any other issues?
I'm trying to gather as much info to make the right decision for me so thanks in advance for sharing.