Has anyone here expirienced sex with and without foreskin? I would really like to hear your expirience since studies on internet are all biased by pro and anti circ communities.
Sex before and after circumcision - Men's Health Forum
Sex before and after circumcision

Yes I have experience sex before and after circumcision, I guess it mostly depends on the person but for me I was much more sensitive after (and still am) I was circumcised. Anything else you'd like to know?

Really? Wow, thats a relief because i was reading how sensitivity decreases drastically and that sex isn't as good as with circumcision. I got really sad and started crying. Thank you. I really hope you are not lying because this really means much to me.
I was circumcised 7 months ago and I am much more sensitive now. The orgasms are also very intense.
I was circumcised in 2008, and i love it...

Why were you circumcised?
I suffered from phimosis, doctor said I would continue to get splits in my foreskin when I got erect if I was not circumcised, so i decided to do it!

The splits are caused by yeast. Had that been diagnosed and cured, you could have stretched your foreskin.
How was your yeast cured
Go to norm.org and read Men’s Voices.
Yeah its common sense that perfectly healthy uncircumcised penis is better than circumcised. But unfortunately I had to do it since my foreskin was really tight and I had to get it cut off and im too old to stretch it out.
Age should never be an excuse. The science of skin expansion is well known throughout medicine and is employed frequently for victims of mastectomy, women generally in 40s and older. It's also used for burn victims of all ages. Every physician knows this, but many lie in the interest of profit.
I don't see how does he profit from circumcision
In the US, the fee for an adult runs from $1500-2500 for a 1/2 hour procedure for which insurance does not always cover.
But here in Croatia it makes no difference. So there is no reason for him to lie to me. I believe you that the procedure was unnecesary but I cant see why would he screw me over. He was probably taught that way so I don't blame him. The ones to blame are the ones who promote it-Americans, the biggest scum on earth. I can only blame myself, i mean I trusted people that still use feet as measuring unit Europeans are light years ahead of them.
There’s really no reason for you to be so rude and angry toward me, nor to make such a dastardly comment about the US. You presented a questioned, and I answered it as an expert in the field. You may take it or leave it.
id say it's more sensitive to point of hard to touch cloth post sex (im 2 months post circm - not sure how long it will last), bj's feel good /on a par pre , can feel head trying to desensitise
the reactions of the females seems to be more receptive post circum whilst intercourse occurs.
masterbation semen flows much better then pre.
still not able to ejaculate inside the vagina, although i think this is more to do with a separate issue I have..
All you that say it’s more sensitive are lying to you 😂 the glans desensitises that’s obvious as you can wear boxers pants clothes ect I was circumcised 8 weeks ago it’s less sensitive
Hey guys, my glans has keeped its sensitiviy because I moisturize it twice a day, before bed and at morning. It's a trick I got from an American friend and I can assure you that it works very well.
Thanks, is there a special type of moisturizer you are using or?
Hi Lukaz
I can give you a brutally honest account of what it’s like before and after circumcision.
9 months ago I was circumcised. Unfortunately I felt I had no real choice but to go through with it. To explain, I’m a 34 year old married man. I’ve had a pretty good sex life since the age of 15, always enjoyed sex both being with a woman and just the feeling of being inside a pussy is like nothing else. (I’ve experienced anal also but pussy still no1)
Anyway in 2007 I had sex with my then ex, I remember so well “, as after sex I was in pain, I looked down and could only describe as what looked like paper cuts along my foreskin, anyway long story short this was the beginning of philmosis (scaring of the foreskin) in the end it got so tight it would burn when I had sex with my now wife. As we’d decided we’d had enough children I was going to get some help - sadly the only fix was circumcision, so looked online for any worries - nothing but positive stuff really “. How wrong could the advice have been - I’d say I’ve lost about 50% sensation, which means sex is about 50% as good as it was pre op. What they don’t tell you is the bit they cut off is the most sensitive part of the penis and the place that houses all the tiny nerve endings.
Masturbation is a non- event. No skin means lube required but even then little feeling or sensation. So with no quick/easy was to relive myself I’m pretty frustrated at times - currently looking at sex toys for masturbation so at least I can go to them when required.
The only positive is my wife loves the look of my new penis and she says oral is much better but with two young kids there ain’t much time for that.
Hope this helps
Have you already tried to apply a moisturizer on your penis? I do this daily and my penis is still very sensitive. I guess your glans has dried out and that's what's making it less sensitive. A friend of me had it too and after he started with applying the moisturizer, the sensitivity came back little by little. I hope this helps.
I find this quite surprising given the area which has the nerve ending has been removed.
However, I’m certainly willing to try it - what type/brand of moisturiser would you suggest?
Thanks for sharing the experience. How is the post sex experience in terms of experience by your partner? Does the partner feel sex better than before?
Well to be honest after two children she’s suffered also so she can’t tell any real difference.
She loves the look of it and is much more keen to give head as admitted she never really liked foreskin, period.
I’ve read very day different accounts both pro and against with circumcised dicks. Fundamentally as you can see even with the responses to this thread, every dick/experience is different, for some it’s massively improves things and for others it’s made their sex lives worse.
Listen man. Its all in your head,mind is a very powerfull thing and what ever you convince yourself thats how its going to be. Also, I consulted multiple doctors, urologists,a psychiatrist and a psychologist and they all said I have nothing to worry about. And before you say that they say that because circumscision makes them money, I don't live in America and it doesn't work like that here. Just relax, moisturize and if you want visit a psychologist/psychiatrist they will help you very much because the main sex organ is your brain. Btw I haven't noticed any difference in my sensitivity, and now I feel much better knowing that my tight foreskin doesn't limit me anymore. Cheers
Hi thanks for you comment but I’m afraid you’re taking nonsense.
I’ve been having sex since I was 15 now 34, I know what it felt like pre and post and believe me it’s not in my head. Forget sex, my dick has zero feeling around the area which has been operated on, whereas pre op it was the most sensitive area. Best way I can describe it is like having sex with 1 or even two condoms on. Masterbation is literally a non event.
Reading up on the op it appears that everyone is different, some guys say that things haven’t changed, even improved things. However some like myself it actually makes things numb. Unfortunately that’s just the way it is, my surgeon who was very young and inexperienced obviously didn’t do a great job but then again I asked for it as had phimosis so I had no choice really plus it was free on the NHS.
But coming back to you point, no it’s very much not in my head, it’s real and I’ve been told by my GP that this can happen unfortunately.
Look luke if you want to keep your sensitivity get a low circumcision. The low circumcision keeps the frenulum the most sensitive part of your tip. Don't get the high circ or they'll cut it off. Or at least tell your doctor to keep it I highly recommend. Then after the op keep the glans moist with Vaseline I recommend. Or maybe penile health cream. FUCK WHAT ANYONE ELSE SAY ON THIS WEBSITE BELIEVE ME. IF YOU DON'T DO WHAT I JUST POSTED YOUR SCREWED BYE BYE SENSITIVITY.
I was circumcised in 2014. No comparison sex is way better and my wife is turned on by the way my penis looks. Brilliant move sexually.
I was circumcised 20 days before. The embarrassing part is i am married seven days after circumcision. Before circumcision, the tip of my penis was very sensitive. but now i feel numb on the tip and facing a problem of not having a proper full erection. is this a common thing?
Unfortunately, loss if sensitivity is the rule and not the exception. The part removed, fully or partially, has an estimated 20,000 nerves which contribute to pleasure. In conventional cuts, the frenulum and frenar band are also removed, causing additional loss of feelings. ED is much more common among circumcised men, caused psychologically by inability to orgasm because of sensitivity loss.
Why did you have it done?
I had masturbation with skin , had to be circumcised just before marriage for smegmitis and paraphymosis due to onset of diabetes and had intercourse with circumcised penis. I really did not find any difference in sexual pleasure. Orgasm happen in the brain, not in the penis.
I don't get it. I signed up to reply and I got a prompt saying "no penis or circumcision issues". This thread is about circumcision. Well my two cents is that they cut wayyy too much skin off me when I was a baby. I have stretched the skin for years to make my anatomy right It's slowly worked. Whoever is considering circumcision, for yourself or a newborn baby, just make sure the doc/mohel/rabbi isn't a noob and isn't too aggressive with how much he/she cuts off. If too much is cut off (like scrotum reaching like more than half way up the shaft once healed: penoscrotal webbing), your daily non-sexual life can be very uncomfortable and your sexual life awkward. This is my experience. Delete the comment if you see fit, moderator!