I did ct scan with dye for chest pain in dec2018. Results were normal including kidney and bladder.
From then I have pain in bladder area. I saw urologist multilple times in 2019 and 2020. He did many urine tests, prostate test and bladder cather. Everything were normal. No blood or protein detected in urine
Also went to pcp many times and he also did 6 =7 blood and routine urine works. All readings were in normal range.
Last blood and urine test was done on July 25th 2020. All reading were normal efgr 100+ bun 9 creatinine 0.88. Other electrolytes are also in range.
No protein in urine. Urine creatinine 55 albumin <5.0
ACR : cannot be calculated because of low albumin.
I see foam in urine. I started noticing from last 2 months.
When I urinate half toilet bowl is covered with bubbles and it goes away slowly like 1=2 mins. I see it every time these days.
I asked my doctor to do 24hr test he says since my last tests are normal he doesn't want to prescribed it.
I am loosing my mind...why my urine has bubbles and foam.
In general I am very anxious person and I constantly have pain in bladder area since my ct scan.
I am not sure what is going on with me. I am 43 yrs old guy. Cannot concentrate on anything these days.
During my ct SCAN they found small hemangioma(begnin) and last year I did follow up MRI scan. No other findings. Even in MRI SCAN kidney are in normal shape and size.
Any suggestion or advise is much appreciated.