I've been with my girlfriend for 4 years. For the first year we had sex every day. Now it's once a fortnight maximum.
I really love her but I can't see us lasting long term without regular sex. (For me that would be everyday but I could definately compromise to every other day for example).
We talk often about it, it doesn't really help at all.
Do I have unreasonable expectations?
I love sex and feel like that part of my life is gradually dying forever as sex becomes less and less frequent and less and less enjoyable for her and consequently myself. We've tried toys, romantic dates, massage, foreplay. Nothing seems to get her in the mood. ( funnily enough I even paid her - her idea - that was the most effective catalyst).
This seems to be a depressingly common pattern in medium to long term relationships.
The way I see it I've got 3 options
1) suck it up (not making me happy)
2) confront the issue (makes both of us unhappy)
3) leave and start a new relationship (when the exact same thing could happen again). A horrible thought.
I'm nearly 40 so feel like I'm running out of time as I would like kids one day.
Any handy tips welcome.
Thanks for reading