Hello everyone!
I write here for the 3rd time. This is my mucus from the back of my throat in the morning.
7 months ago I had unprotected oral sex. All STIs tests are negative. All the candida tests I did so far (at least 6) are negative. Pharyngeal exudates and nasal exudates came back negative. Blood tests are normal apart from low eosinophils count and low monocytes count. After more than half a year I still have a coated tongue, dry and sticky lips, mild pharyngitis, clogged ears, dry nose and a very thick mucous in the back of my throat (symptoms which started 3 days after my sexual contact). Recently I started to have some headaches that are ore severe in the mornings, when there is more mucous acumulated in my throat as well.
So far I have been to at least 30 doctors (GP, ENT, dermatology, infectious diseases, oral and maxilofacial, stomathology). All the doctors are staring at me and keep senting me from one specialist to another.
My entire oral cavity is affected, including the throat.
I don't know what this migh be.
I reached a dead end.
Any advice is much appreciated!