Hi and thank you for taking the time to read my post
Suffering right now like mad guys.
Don't know why it started.
My problem is that I never was constipated. I was doing gym and having a diet with lots of fruit and vegetables. Going to the toilet doesn't give me any pain. Its the afterwards that kills me. A sharp pain and burning up to 10 hours. Doctor told me its a fissure
Also the muscles around-the- area tend to become so tense the pain gets so bad. I'm taking cicatridine suppositery and rectogesic cream.
So the cream relaxes the muscles and the supportery should work on the cut.
7 days gone, 3 times went to the toilet. I love food and started to refusing it as the pain gets excruciating. Wished death upon me twice already. Before starting the cure I am now ended up on the floor and I couldn't breathe or move. Surviving on soup at lunch and a slice of bread at dinner. Sometimes I skip it. Especially now with the covid its impossible to stand in line at the supermarket. Never felt so low in my life. If I don't go to the toilet the pain is bearable with sits baths. Or water bottles. Dreading tomorrow as I know I'll have to go. Surgery is out of the question at the minute but I would do it right now to just go back to my normal life