Hi guys.
A bit of a long post but I'd like extra advice! I have been to the doctors numerous times and seem to be getting nowhere!
I am a 34year old male.
I've been suffering with bad acid reflux for about 3 or 4 years. I have been taking Lansoprazole for about 3 years now, but the acid problems are still bad.
Recently I've really been struggling with energy levels, mentally fatigued as well as physically.
I have just had various blood tests: B12 deficiency, liver function etc.
The results came back all ok.
Anyone else suffered with similar?
Just recently I've had groin and back pains. My testicles went through a period of about a week where they tingled. That has stopped but my groin still feels tight and the pain goes down my left leg a bit.
I have penis pain in the top, possibly urethra but it's hard to tell as it doesn't really hurt to touch it.
I have been tested (again) for gonherrea and chlamydia, both were negative. I also had an HIV test.... All ok!
I do a manual job with lots and lots of lifting/bending which has given me a bad back (as well as aggravating the acid reflux)
My back is particularly bad at the moment , corresponding to the groin pains. Do you think they are linked?
I have had back pains before that have made me lose an erection almost instantly!
Sorry for the long post, but I spend so much time at the doctors and feel like I'm getting fobbed off.... Just looking for any suggestions/advice/reassurance!