I had a vasectomy 2 years ago had the usual pains they went about 6 months in and then 12 months after, i felt like i was being repeatedly kicked in the nuts, with out the tummy ache. This lasted 3 days the pain every hour or so lasting 5 to 10 minutes, no drugs could stop it, i mean none.
after the three days i was scared anxious for it to return for a week! then a month later is was back i almost crashed my car i had to pull over in tears (fyi im alpha male)
I went to the doctors appointment after it had stopped 3 days monthly became the thing, the Doctor said it can be normal.
It ha-pend again i went back fobbed off again, this doctor thing became the norm but i couldn't give up, the pain changed 6 months in lasted a week 2 not right days either side of 3 days of hell, like my nut right only was been pricked with a long needle and scraped like a tooth at the dentist then sqeezed and sucked and burning and then cold like a scab ripped off, then just numb and dead like dead wait pulling on me., over and over all day and night a bath stops it for a while FYI, then fear as not monthly any longer say twice a month 2 weeks a month and two weeks ov fear. i had referrals lost not put through and then Doctor after doctor, now i have got to the point i could get the reveres vasectomy which might not even work, so they will test one nut, although it is now both with the left beginning like the right did a year ago. the other options i had was nerve scraping or the epidermis removing from both nuts. it turns out "I’d say around 15% of men have some sort of PVP and in 1-2% of cases it’s so significant they need help." im 1 to 2 % and when i say fml if id dint have kids i wouldn't have coped. ive lost lots of time at work and my partner still married me, but its took a toll on us big time, as could you think of someone else when being tortured! @pvp