Hi, I am 40 days into my marriage. Sexually I did pretty well for the first month but after the first 30 days I am unable to ejaculate inside my wife if i try to do it every single day. It seems like I need breaks in between of more than 24 hours. I don't have a problem getting an erection but in the last 10 days I had to withdraw without ejaculating more than once. It was like I did it twice in 2 days and then had to wait for 2 days to do it again. Can anyone help here. Should I consult a doctor.
Can't ejaculate every single day. - Men's Health Forum
Can't ejaculate every single day.

Lol a rest is a good choice lol.
Sounds fairly normal. Give your self a rest. Try a bit of variety it sounds like you are trying to hard.
Thanks for your replies. I was talking to an expert and he said May be it is TESTOSTERONE DEFICIENCY.
As you age, your recovery time will increase. Lay off the daily attempts in favor of every second or third day.
During my college days I had a 10 days of vacation with my girlfriend and at the end of holiday my penis was almost worn out. Sex did not come up to my mind in the next 5 days. If you are not aiming a kid right at the beginning of your marriage, take it easy. We are not vending machine, that one pushes the button and gets the milk. If you need rest, take rest. In case your wife is demanding at your resting time, tell her your mind.