I had my circumcision on the 3/9/18 So it's been 7 days today, I had to have it done due to snapping my frenulem years ago which resulted in scarring & over the past 6 months my sex life became uncomfortable due to the scarred flesh getting tight and therefore my foreskin also became tight. I can't fault the hospital staff for their help but they didn't really give me much info when I got sent home. The dressing came off within hours so I redressed it & took plenty of painkillers. After 48 hrs I began to clean it with salty water & then let it air dry, redressed it occasionally. I went to visit my nurse on Thursday to make sure it wasn't infected & she said it was fine but gave me another sick note for an extra week as my job requires me to be in & out of a van all day. When I cleaned it last night i touched something by my frenulem area & the pain was absolutely unbelievable! I'm just curious as to why I'm still struggling with pain & uncomfortable feelings & also whether you guys thinks it looks a bad job? I feel pretty down too as I'm at home & have 2 very young sons who I can't play with as I'm so uncomfortable.
It's cold today by the way hence why my scrotum looks like a walnut 😂