What medication if any do people take to help stop testicle pain?
Testicle Pain Medication? : What... - Men's Health Forum
Testicle Pain Medication?
Yes, I've seen a urologist three times now, I have 2 small cysts and two varicoceles which are less than 2cm. They wont operate as they say the cysts and varicoceles are too small...
Mostly peoples suggest over the counter medicines such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen it helps to reduce testicles pain.
If the testicle pain is caused by epididymitis or prostatitis, or other inflammation in the genital system, then usually antibiotics can't stop it permanently. Because that is not the infection or bacteria that you need to clear up. So basically they use natural therapy to unblock blood stasis and eliminate inflammation, such as herbal treatment of diuretic and anti-inflamamtory pills, massage therapy, acupuncture, etc. That way the genital system can be restored and not only for the pain to go away, to act as the permanent solution maybe.