I have had a kidney transplant 9 years ago in February and still successful. Any way Tuesday just gone I start to get an ache in my left testicle but only when I started walking but wore off after 2 minutes or so. The next day got worse but again only lasted 2 mins or so and went off. Thursday even worse and Friday I went to docs. Which they saw me that afternoon about 1 hour after I went in to book it. Only after saying in front of every one in waiting area that when I walked my left ball ached.
Any way I went and the doctor looked and couldn't find anything. So she said to book an appointment for a ultra sound then said do a urine test for Chlamydia even though I already said I'm not with any one and probably going red in face saying I'm still a virgin. But still she said to do one?. Is that normal?.
today the aching has gone but now I getting a strange sensation of either pins and needles or tingerling along with what feels like going up and down a hill when your stomach does that funny feeling but in my testicle.
Should I phone up and cancel as don't think its too much to worry about and don't want to waist NHS money along with the millions of pounds already spent on me. They already no that I'm phoning as they sent something out to them but I still got to make the appointment for some reason.
The main thing is, the urine test for Chlamydia normal when I already said I not even had sex?.
By the way after all I have been threw I'm not bothered about the docs fiddling around down there for 20 mins as had much worse thing fiddled with taken the stent out.
Thanks for any info