Hi guys, hoping someone has some advice for me.
When checking my mouth out, i have noticed down the sides of my tongue, the veins are very prominent, at least i think they are veins.
If i push my tongue to the side of my mouth pushing on my opposite cheek and lifting the tongue so you can see under it.
At first, the area seems quite normal but after 10-20 seconds the area really bulges out and looks dreadful. Its filling me with panic... i went to the doctors and he had a "quick" look and said it was normal though i dont think he looked well enough, i've looked at a few close friends mouths and it looks nothing like mine.
I feel well in myself and it doesnt bleed or hurt. I was wondering if any one else has this? I did consider lingual varicosities but i am not sure as i am only 35 and this seems to effect older more?
Thanks so much