Hi, Im 16 yo and I just had my first full on masturbation. It really never stroke me as something fun because I would always get this pain in my penis. So about the pain: I start masturbating and everything is normal and like 5-10 minutes in I feel like something is coming out but suddenly this pain strikes and I feel like my penis is kinda stiffening to not let anything out. Furthermore once the pain passes (lasts for about a min or 2) I ejaculate? Im not even sure because the first bits of it are yellowish and then it just looks like water(nothing white in it) but its very sticky. Also this pain is very wierd because its kinda mixed with pleasure and Im not even sure what to think. After Im finished everything is back to normal and im super relaxed.
Ive done some googling and the only thing that makes sense is something to do with my pelvic area because I feel like it stiffens.
Thanks in advance.