*Deep breath*
Hey guys. Firstly, always a sensitive topic when talking about the old fella. I'm 3 days post circumcision. Was due to phimosis.
Things look to be going well. But just looking to make sure I'm not stressing over something I already know about.
I've always been a grower compared to the flacid look. Pre surgery the old fella would hide away depending on seating/laying position. When I went for the surgery, the doctor told me that once healed I'm to immediately jump on the weight loss training, which i whole heartedly agree with to avoid further problems with buried penis.
I just want to post some pictures and make sure everything looks OK so far. I'm not sure what they've done underneath/left on the bottom there. Stitches appear tidy. Ive had no pain. The old fella obviously hides away when not in use as I know buried penis becomes more apparent after circ.
I've not had a full erection since surgery (don't want to push anything early) so not sure how its affected it at attention. Usually have been around 5.5inches erect.
I just want to know if anyone has had similar experiences. I've read one blokes post on here about it, but just want to see what to expect as time goes on. When can I start exercising? When the stitches come out?
I make sure to unveil the old fella as often as possible to get air during recovery. I'm keeping it clean and very carefully dry.
Any other tips or suggestions you guys might be able to put forward?
Not sure if I've been clear enough. I just started typing haha