All the stitches are gone and the side to front parts of my scar line is definately healing and fusing
24 day post-surgery ripped-stitching in... - Men's Health Forum
24 day post-surgery ripped-stitching in two spots recovery (Photo 2)

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Well the backside scarline can, but the frontside is attached but still going through its solification process.
I just had an erection, and the placement is good, but the front side is still a little moist. When fully attached it will bev dry and whole.
what is use for dissolve the stiches?
In my case, while in the shower during the end of my 2nd week, some of the stitch threads was sticking straight out. So I gently pulled on 3 of them, and they just slid right out of my skin so easily. During my 3rd week's beginning, I had some sticking out when I went to go piss at work. I gently pulled on two of them, and they slid out, but brought out a little tissue with them, which stung a little bit. Some other stitches that stuck out during my 3rd week would not pulled out, because my inner tissues were surrounding and grasping the stitches. So I waited till I got home, and just snipped the stitches all the way down to the level sticking out from my skin. Whereas, a little stitch-stub was left. The portion that was stuck inside my skin, I had no other choice but to let it stay and dissolve over time.
When you snip the extra lengths of stitches off that can't pull out between (2 1/2-3 weeks) then you can just let the remainder break down over time within your body. Everyone's system is a little variant, but I would think no dissolvable stitch would last internally more than 6 weeks max..