Hi everyone, I’ve had rectal bleeding for several months accompanied by somewhat of a burning sensation and dull pain in the anus after pooping that can linger the rest of the day. In March, I started running a lot to get in good shape and to decrease my cholesterol. I’m a fairly well trained athlete and competed in cross country and track at the college level. In high school I had hemorrhoids and as a result they did a sigmoidoscopy, which found juvenile polyps and an anal fissure. I am now 37 and have had recurring periods of this intermittent bleeding. I’ve started a regimen of benefiber and the bleeding subsided for about a week and I’ll admit that I stopped using it for a few days and almost immediately the bloody stools resumed. Sometimes the blood lines the stool like red veins, other times the blood drips like a nose bleed into the toilet bowl, while other times I’ve had a feeling of bloated ness and have the urge to poop, but when I do nothing comes out except for gas followed by blood. Really concerned and not sure what to make of this. Any folks experienced this before and if so what did it turn out to be?
Rectal bleeding for several months & te... - Men's Health Forum
Rectal bleeding for several months & terrified

You have provided a very comprehensive description of your symptoms. Which is great. Your symptoms are not going away. Which is not so great.
I suspect you know what your next move should be.
See your doctor 🔜!
I agree. This is possibly a very serious situation especially with a history of polyps. You need a referral to a specialist to see what the current situation is in your lower GI tract
Hi. You really should see your doctor it's important to have symptoms like this investigation properly. it could be just your hemorrhoids have Returned. so see your GP and get a referral.
Yes I’ll be getting a colonoscopy soon. Very worried and need prayer. Thanks for all your input. I hope it’s just chronic anal fissures or hemorrhoids
I've had similar symptoms only happens every now and then think mine is skin tack possibly.never had it checked as the blood was fresh red not deep red.goes after a day
Had a similar issue (bleeding and bloated feeling but not the pain) kept avoiding it hoping it would resolve itself but after a few months went to a doc about it. Internal haemorrhoids turned out to be the cause. Got some anal suppositories and was fine in about a week or so. Hoping it’s a similar resolution for you.
Just to check - have you had receptive ( being penetrated ) anal sex in the past , or are you heterosexual ?
Uhhh....hate to point out that straight men also engage in anal with their female partners. Just for the record so no one feels shame for it.
Thanks for saying that. 👍

of course - but unless the female partner is using a strap on, to have an STI in the bum, the person would need to have receptive anal sex.
No sir I’m straight
Ok thank you
ended up getting a colonoscopy and no polyps or tumors found. The doctor offered no explanation for my bleeding and now I’m not sure what the root cause could be. I suspect it could be an anal fissure or internal hemorrhoids, but wouldn’t he have seen these in the colonoscopy and made note of it to me? Instead he simply said I have a “beautiful colon” with no polyps.
Ok well its good to have a negative result. Your symptoms sound more rectal than colonic. It can certainly be possible to miss a small fissure . Larger haemhorroids I think they would have seen. So did you ask them directly - so I have no haemhorroids ?
No I was loopy after the procedure from the anesthesia and just remember him saying that all was well and that I had a beautiful colon along with the official print out with pictures of my my “beautiful colon” and the findings stating that everything appeared normal.
Hi, So Digar did your provider test you for H.Pylori? I had a blood test and my doc called me to ask if I had been in some accident with blood loss. I said no and he asked me to check my stool. Turns out I had been bleeding and didn't know it. I had a notice amount of blood loss via lab tests and need antibiotics to kill off the bad bacteria causing the damage in my digestive system. Ugh I should have had more pain and symptoms but I didn't feel anything. I loved spicy food which made things worse. Just a thought.

Interesting! No I haven’t been checked for that. I have a colonoscopy scheduled soon so if all is well with that I’ll be sure to get an h pylori test. Thanks for the insight.
Yeah I don't regularly check my own poop. LOL Not something I gave any thought to since I'd figure there would be pain associated with blood loss. Duh. My doc didn't know why I didn't have pain or discomfort at least since that should be sign of trouble. Hopefully you don't have it either. Your immune system should keep it in check, but when it doesn't you get blood loss via your stool. Everything else checked out fine. Funny thing is when I took antibiotics that is really upset my stomach as it took out my good bacteria as well as the bad. Well good luck man. Fingers crossed it's all good. Cheers Man.
This seems more like a hemmoroid situation as with the dull ache and tytpe of bleeding. You need a immediate colonoscopy to determine no cancer is present.