Hi guys morning of day two struggled with erections last night used a pad and priefts to try help them, tried feotel position didn’t so much tbh, does this look okay for day too or shall I be worried :(????
Day two post op morning: Hi guys morning... - Men's Health Forum
Day two post op morning

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So how do u feel. Told u its a piece of cake just try not to get an erection or u cud lose bust your stitches
Seems like he gave u a low-style circumcision. No inner foreskin showing
I don’t know what to do mate seriously !!!
It seems from the photo that your shaft skin is stitched directly to the bottom rim of your head??? Maybe its just from the view?
No that skin will pull back a little bit according to sergeon but the skin won’t oull back at the moment coz it’s so swollen and so sore ? I dunno what to do I’m regretting the whole thing now
Looks in good knick for day 2. You've got a long road ahead but you should be pretty happy with that. Once the swelling starts to go down it will look a lot more 'normal'..
Salt baths helped me alot and i used to get my wife to help me pull it back to clean around the stitches.
It looks like you have some bruising there mate. It really looks ok it’s going to be raw and tender for some time. Erections are normal. But can be painful. Just be mindful the erections can pop the stitches. If this does happen in the first 10 days go straight back to hospital. But you are doing alright mate. Take your time. Healing can not be speeded up.
I have not been circumcised myself but two members of my family have for medical reasons our GP was all for circumcision. I sit on the fence with regards to the op. My girlfriend is an A & E nurse and has seen many of problems that can happen after the op. But you are fine.
Hey Chris
Im on day 10 after having mine done.... Seriously you need to calm down.. You've just had surgery and if you didn't think there was going to be pain than thats very naive.. Anyway im not here to patronise, you say you weren't given info so im going to type the info i was given.. Apologies for the long post..
What to expect when you get home:
Swelling and bruising which may last several days
Can take 6 weeks for penis to return to its final cosmetic appearance
Exposed glands will be sensitive for around 2 weeks
Exposed gland may dry out and scab over, apply vaseline to help with this
Stitches should dissolve within 2 to 3 weeks
Keep area dry 24 to 48 hours avoid bathing
Do not swim for 2 weeks
Wear loose fitting clothing
You will continue to get erections which will be painful but refrain from sexual activities for 4 weeks
After 3 days bathe in kettle cooled water for a few days then after a week you can bathe in salt water if you want.
Ok thats pretty much most of what was said... i have 4 pages of info here.. Unfortunately you need to get through the first week and then see where you are. I was told if it bleeds for a long time, put some gauze on it tightly, if it still doesn't stop then go to a&e.
Just relax, after a few days it doesn't actually hurt, its only the sensitivity to the touch thats annoying. If all else fails just sit naked! and only move if necessary.
I hope this helps, please dont be offended by my comments at the beginning, i do feel for you...
Hi mate I’m not affended I need all the help I can get the sergeon said if the gauze falls off keep it off which it has and then he said soak it in salt water twice a day, and then he said about after 48hours have a shower do not bath..? And I can’t pull the skin back to expose the stitches
Well i can only go by what i was told... You dont want the stitches to disappear too quickly, so dont use salt just yet. Salt may get rid of the stitches before the skin stays together.. I bathed after 3 days.. Then i bathed twice a day.. They also said do not towel dry, let it drip dry or use gauze.. your towel can carry bacteria even if it has just been washed.. Just chill for a few days then do what you feel comfortable with.. I got to say you think its going to sting but it doesn't.. just luke warm water, just let it soak in there for a bit, try and get any dried blood off, then sit on your bed and let it dry naturally..
Okay but it’s dipping it in there ? Plus at home I don’t have a bath only a shower ? I just don’t know what to do tbh
Sounds silly but do you have a bowl?? or anything in the kitchen you can fill with water and dip it in?? i would recommend that first.. the shower might be a bit harsh.. obviously make sure the vessel is immaculately clean!
Vessel ?!?? And it’s to sensative to even dip it in one of them I tried it this morning I had to use cotton wool pads and squeezing the water over it ???
Vessel is another word for whatever you use to hold water, bowl, jug, big cup etc.. just leave it today... its too early to mess around with it.. take your mind off it, play video games or something.. did they recommend taking ibuprofen? this medication helps with swelling.. I was told to take paracetamol and ibuprofen..
Yeah I’ve been taking both of them but swelling still here not sure if it’s coz it’s onky day two but yeah
Re read my first post... swelling, pain and sensitivity will not disappear overnight.. Dont be surprised to feel like this for a while.. Just sit back and try not to panic.. If you are that worried then see your GP or go a&e
Okay il leave it and if nothing changes by over the weekend then il go doctors I need to leave it more time surley ?
Yes... unless you have uncontrollable bleeding or feel unwell (might be an infection) then leave it till monday.. The pain and swelling will calm down over time.. the sensitivity lasts longer.. Feel free to PM me if u want..
hi from the pic it looks fine u need lots of rest and the fetal position helped me don't forget to alternate your pain relief so they u don't have nothing to fall back on you will get threw this it dose take time thow

Starting to regret it
In the picture you posted it is completely normal. Bruising is normal after any operation so relax and stop worrying for nothing . During the night we alł experience 3 to 5 erections even if we are unaware of this. Erections are not going to cut the sutures but you might find drops of blood and serum in your underwear in the morning. Good luck if you have further questions either post here or else pm.
I’m just worried it’s infected went to docs yesterday and he said it wasn’t just looks worse today
As a Registered Nurse I can confirm your doctor's advice that there is nothing wrong with you and you have to stop worrying. Sometimes bruising and swelling are much worse and still everything would be fine with no need for any medication.
Kind of looks like mine.
Im on day 17 after circ and still cant see my stitches. Whenever I try to pull it it hurts like hell. Some times I freak out about this detail as well, since a doctor I’ve seen told me I should be cleaning them. But he didnt seem to have put so much emphasis on that.
I continued without being able to pull the foreskin completely to see the stitches on the top and decided to wait. A few days afterwards I went to the hospital to ask them to check a minor pain and the diagnosis was an infection. They gave me an antibiotic (which I’ll finish taking tomorrow).
Things seem fine nevertheless:
-Sensitivity decreased,
-Swelling almost gone,
-No pain at all if I stand still or walk,
-Im able to sleep better (just mild pain during night erections)
But I still have discomfort with erections, itchy at the base of the glans, it still looks ugly with the stitches in the frenulum area and I still cant pull completely the foreskin to see the stitches above my penis.
I’ve been able to slowly pull it more little by little, but i’d rather seem them already to know how they look. Decided to finish the antibiotic and wait a few more days before visiting a doctor. Judging by the way things progress, i might be able to pull all the skin without pain in the near future.
Try to wait a few days to see what happens. Our bodys can do amazing things.
Okay it’s jjst making me so depressed I went doctors yesterday and he said 99% sure it’s not infected and that I shouldn’t be trying to pull the skin back when I’m only on day 4 :/ I’m too scared having regrets! Big time
Yeah, 4 days seems to be really early for someone to try to do that. Just let it be for another 4 / 5 days, then you reconsider. For sure nothing bad will happen. ; )
You sure ? I’m so scared honestly regretting it mate :(?
I’m no doctor but thats my guess. In my case, for instance, 17 days later without seing some of the stitches and things are not bad. There can be something not ideal, for sure.. but probably it’ll be just dried blood or something similar. No signal of something worse (no fever, no pain, no huge swelling, no red).
I also did it because of phimosis (and pain during sex). It was really frustating not having the freedom to enjoy it like I did when my phimosis wasnt bad. The thought of being free again gives me strenght.