I've just had my penis circumcised and the pain is unbearable. Any idea what to do to ease the pain...?
Circumcision : I've just had my penis... - Men's Health Forum
Did the doctor prescribed any pain reliever medicine to you?
I got pills presumably to relieve it but it's unbelievably painful. Thanks though 👍🏾
The pain can be lessen by some pain relievers however, it cant stop the pain. I suggest you to try and sleep it off if you can.
In my case the pain was not as intense, but cold compresses helped a lot. Buy 2, leave them in the freezer and use one when you need some relief. When it gets warm you exchange it with the cold one.
Thanks bud. I'll try it out
Take rest as much as possible. Take painkillers and do not think about pornography. Do not do anything that will make you go hard. It will hurt like crazy for the first few days. If you can, then just try lifting your penis from its unperturbed stock upward by a centimetre and holding it in that position.
Thanks that helped a lot so far

How are you now ? Do not compromise rest even by a minute. Use ice touches along the scar and more importantly, make sure the water dries. Do not let any bugs and mosquitoes get near you. Eat healthy non oily food. Diet control and maximum rest will heal you super fast.
I'm feeling a lot better thank you. It's less sensitive and the wound is healing. My frenulum though is slow in healing. I'm heading into week 2 and I feel much more comfortable