Hi guys I know this is a normal thing for dudes ofc. But I didn't realise the pain behind it, as half my stitches are super loose or out and the ones at the front and back are still super tight it's causing so many issues...!plus these last two days it's been about 40 a day no joke it's awful...! Anything I can do lads?
Erections post circumcision: Hi guys I... - Men's Health Forum
Erections post circumcision

Enjoy erection and find partner to release your love juice, why to worry! Otherwise wait

For me it's only been ten days pal?
Find partner. You are highly excited. Wish you ecstasy

Don't get me wrong I have a fiancé but wouldn't it be dangerous 11 days in with half the stitches in?
its waiting game bro,rather just chill until you fully healed...meanwhile distract yourself from erections
Very tough one man to say the least! Went from 0 to 100 in a case of a day was stupid! Stitches even came out overnight because of it lmao
hahahaha for a moment i regretted doing it bro lmao! erections were crazy.. but eventually i healed.
i was told to Think about something else when erections start or put something cold just above your penis, like Lower abdomen area. (whichever one will work best for you)
I'm half and half at the moment, I needed it done for my future sake because it got to the point my foreskin would tear horribly during sex and I just didn't enjoy it because I'd suffer for days after...! Just want these stitches to heal now😩and like a mini ice pack thing be good? Like below my belly button sort of area?
are you doing the salt baths?
yes, small ice pack, wet towel, anything thats cool enough can work really.
and yes below your belly button area
Take out the stitches, get sufficient lubricant in vagina and insert. You may even use antibiotic cream. You will be relaxed. There will be no infection as inside vagina is sterile. Later you may again put some antibiotic cream if required. Now release. 11 day is quite long

Cheers pal! 💯
Should I not listen to him? Quick question nowhard, with all these constant erections stitches are paining obviously etc, a couple bleed temporarily because of how hard the erectikn is, should I worry or not?
So it's okay to get rid of the looser stitches already even on day 11?
Cheers mate I'll have a look at getting one or two out tonight that are a pain! And I haven't left my house yet, invested in some gauze and surgical tape yesterday to put over the stitching line whilst I do go on next Monday as I'm returning to uni! Just because the ones at the back get caught on just about anything!
Yes mate it's on order as I haven't left mine yet, hopefully here within two days fingers crossed! Not so worried about the head as the sensitivity is becoming more bearable now 💯I'm becoming better walking around my house naked ATM too so I'm seeing improvement the last two days especially
Should I gauze the whole glad including stitching area and leave a little opening towards the tip??? I feel a lot better the past two days