Adult male circumcision : I got... - Men's Health Forum

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Adult male circumcision

WestyG profile image
50 Replies

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I got circumcised on Monday it’s now Friday and last night was the worsed night in regards to pain. Also the whole penis shaft is swollen and doesn’t seem to be going down. Is this normal? I was never told about the recovery after surgery. Does anyone know how long this may take to heal, and is it normal what’s happening?

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WestyG profile image
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50 Replies

Looks a very neat job compared to many others on here. I think the swelling will go down but could take up to a couple of weeks. The main thing is that there isn’t any sign of infection or tearing. Just be patient I’m afraid

WestyG profile image
WestyG in reply to

Thanks, I was a little out of it when the nurses was telling me about the after care and what to expect so this is all new to me! I just want the swelling to go down, and cannot wait to be able to work out again! Thanks for the advice

Fizztaz profile image
Fizztaz in reply toWestyG

What are you using for bathing especially on the stitches?i was using Salvon it was not doing any fiod then i changed now I'm using sea salt it's the best i wish i started with it in the beginning,

WestyG profile image
WestyG in reply toFizztaz

Gin fizztaz, I was told not to bathe to just have a quick shower, but I had the op done on Monday and it’s safurday tomorrow and the stitches don’t seem to be remotely dissolving yet. Should I start to bathe in a hot bath? And if so how long would you reccomend and you say salt? I’ve only got table salt?

Fizztaz profile image
Fizztaz in reply toWestyG

It's my 14th day today I'm feeling much better now , first week was the worst days if my life in terms of pain,the reason it took si much time to recover it's because i experienced some infection and had to go back to the Dr for antibiotics, what i was doing was taking a normal shower then after that i start the salt session , i take the bucket pour some salt in cold water mixed it until it dissolves and use my one hand to pour the water into the stitches for 5minutes then wait for it to dry up before putting the ointment, Where are located, Sea salt is available in some of the shops, it works perfectly well better than Any antiseptic,

Fizztaz profile image
Fizztaz in reply toWestyG

Are you familiar with sea salt?

WestyG profile image
WestyG in reply toFizztaz

I’m from the UK I am familiar with Sea Salt I may try Holland and Barratts tomorrow. So do you actually bathe in a bath tub aswell? How long did your stitches take to dissolve? Mine are really annoying and night time erections ain’t pleasant either!

Fizztaz profile image
Fizztaz in reply toWestyG

My stiches are still there , do not us any antiseptic Salvon or Dettol they are very bad for healing,erection was the nightmare to me and it is still on one stitch, i hope you can get the Sea Salt and get well soon man

Grobbler profile image

It looks like you removed your bandage too early. I was like that then the clinic tolk me to use sea salt in warm water and put the bandage on for another week. I used the compression bandage. You must also keep your penis upright and wear tight fitting undewear . It helps with the swelling. Do not take a bath in the tub and dont use any anti septic yet...Savlon etc. Maybe after 3 weeks... It delays the healing. Just wash the penis with warm salt water after a quick shower. Dry and put a bit of vaseline. Most people want to accelerate the healing, and end up damaging the penis.

For erections just take an ice pack and place on the penis.

Stitches mine were dissolved in about 2 weeks but others could take longer. Do not remove them yourself they will dissolve and fall away. Use vaseline to reduce irritation. I was putting vaseline almost every 2 hours.

WestyG profile image
WestyG in reply toGrobbler

Ok I had the worsed night for erections last night and it’s resulted in pulling on a stitch and it’s now been bleeding again! I’ve really had enough of the no sleep and constant pain now in the evenings! I can deal with the day time! I’m starting to regret having it done! In fact last night I got so frustrated with myself that I just wanted to take the whole thing off!!!! I’m feeling a little sorry for my self today sorry for the rant! :(

jimfromcalif profile image

Oh you poor guy. Have you tried ice packs? 15 min on; 15, off. Doctor should have given you a script for pain pills.

WestyG profile image
WestyG in reply tojimfromcalif

Doctor has given me pills! But I haven’t really used any ice packs! I’ve just had enough of it all now. My erections last night felt like every hour! It’s like my mind knows I shouldn’t get them so purposely makes me have one in my sleep! It’s so frustrating! I just want it to be over now! I’m given a lot of different information in regards to bathing aswell? Did you bath or not?

Islaywhisky profile image
Islaywhisky in reply toWestyG


We all have erections in our sleep, circumcised or not. They occur during REM (rapid eye movement) when we dream. And only the best or worst of dreams are remembered in the morning.

But yes, these nighttime erections CAN be a problem before a newly circumcised penis has healed. I was kindly warned of this by a nurse who attended my own circumcision.

But when 'push comes to shove' a circumcised penis is a crippled penis. We can only make the best of what we have left - and frankly, I have yet to find an answer.


WestyG profile image
WestyG in reply toIslaywhisky

Hey Christopher,

I’m starting to regret my decision even if it was medical reasons!!! I’m a week in and I though (stupidly) that after a week everything would be fine in regards to stitches and things!

Islaywhisky profile image
Islaywhisky in reply toWestyG

Hi Westy,

Yes, healing after the surgery is a hard time I know. And be warned that even after your penis has healed you will have to cope with a period when your permanently exposed glans is VERY sensitive to even the slightest brush of loose clothing. It's not pleasant. In fact the sensation is rather like accidentally hitting your humerus (funny bone). So do be prepared for this.

Eventually nature will kick in and your glans will grow a toughened covering of tissue in an attempt to protect it in the absence of its lost foreskin. Then, as each month goes by you will loose more and more erotic sensation. I'll give you an example --

Hold out your hand with your palm underneath and stroke the back. Now turn it over and stroke your palm. THAT's the difference!


Twobar profile image

Hi. What I see on the photo looks very good. No problems there. Just hang on. I still never regret that I had it done. Different people might experience sensation after circumcision differently but I can assure you my experience is not negative at all, actually no difference at all. So again, stay strong through those unwanted erections and soon you will be a new happy person. all the best.

Spaks profile image

No need to stress, the swelling will go away just give it a couple of weeks and ensure that you wash 2/3 times a day with warm salt water and visiting the Doctor for a better advise is also a a option you should go for, but as i said just relax and let the healing process takes it caurse and you must also know that people heal differently

Ryanr profile image

I had my op on Sunday and it’s still a little swollen but I’ve had no pain just discomfort.

WestyG profile image
WestyG in reply toRyanr

Hey buddy! Hope it goes better than mine, I was okfor the first few days and then it started to swell even more I went to the doctors yesterday to find it was infected and the stitches look like they haven’t done the job! I’m so annoyed with everything today! It’s like 10 days post op for me! Hope everything goes well!

Ryanr profile image
Ryanr in reply toWestyG

Cheers mate it seems ok just uncomfortable kind of wish I never got it done at times sleeping is crap have to change 4 or 5 times during the night and the 400mg ibuprofen cramp my stomach up so I’ve stopped them and paracetamol do nothing for me. That’s really crap that sounds like you’ve got it bad compared to me I’ve counted 11 stitches with ones I can see. Have you gone back to work or can you wear anything I tried last night but gave up and let it hang out 😂

WestyG profile image
WestyG in reply toRyanr

Yes I really wish I’d never had it done also but hopefully that will change, I’m literally taking so many pills at the moment along with Antobiotics now! I feel like a right druggy lol! I haven’t counted my stitches all I no is it’s definately infected nope still not gone back to work, I’m meant to be back on Monday but with this infection I may need another week! Yeah so I tried to not wear anything and the night time erections were f****ing painful (you would think your body would tell you not to get one whilst you sleep wouldn’t you) so now I have to wear fitted boxers to keep it in place and the erections are a little more manageable as I can control it a little more! I’m scared to go to sleep lol! 😂🤒

Ryanr profile image
Ryanr in reply toWestyG

Oh that’s crap that is I’m supposed to be back on Monday I’ll see how it looks at the weekend but my bandage has been off since Monday cause it fell half way down my shaft Sunday night so had to get it off but I’ve left it out since 😂and as for erections they haven’t been too bad I know I’ve had them during the night cause there’s blood but they haven’t woken me up or caused me pain I tend to stay up until I’m really tired then get some sleep but the first two nights were on and off waking up in the night having a crap nights sleep but I slept ok last night just waking up when I ached from the sleep position I was in

WestyG profile image
WestyG in reply toRyanr

Haha, yeah have you been going out and stuff or have you literally been in bed the whole time? I went out a few days after and haven’t really rested since but I think I’m going to start from now! But since infected I’m trying to keep it covered again as the stitches have failed and I’ve noticed today a big ledge in between the incisions so it hasn’t healed! I might just start doing all nighters lol! How old are you? I’m 27 so it maybe I’m a little old as to why it’s being such a ball ache to heal!

Ryanr profile image
Ryanr in reply toWestyG

No not really stayed in bed just let it air out really I had visitors today so I had to drag myself out of bed. How have they failed come loose or broke ? Mine doesn’t look pretty either tbh the front looks ok but underneath doesn’t look good I’m trying not to look at it 😂 I’m 23 I am .

WestyG profile image
WestyG in reply toRyanr

I’m not sure, I think the stitches are dissolving and the wound isn’t healed due to infection. With the added boners I seem to be getting all the frigging time they have just gone! And yeah the same that’s where the stitches have failed - on the sides near the back end and the rear! Might have to go to the hospital tomorrow if the anti biotics haven’t kicked in! 🤦‍♂️ I think more strangers have seen my dick this past week than actual partners 😂 so embarrassing!

Ryanr profile image
Ryanr in reply toWestyG

Oh right that is shit that hopefully your antibiotics should kick in but from having an infection before it’s taken a week to kick in and clear it. It’s probably the boners but if you’ve been wearing boxers that would be causing them as I haven’t got any whilst I’ve been awake but I’ve been a nudist since my op 😂and I’ve had so many people see it I’m past the point of caring now 😂

WestyG profile image
WestyG in reply toRyanr

Yeah I’m a bit like that now to be honest! I’m gunna have a day in tomorrow in the Nod I think and try and dry the thing out! Else il just chop it all off and be done with it all lol! 😂 I just need a full night sleep! That’s all I ask for... antibiotics better kick in tomorrow lol!

Ryanr profile image
Ryanr in reply toWestyG

I find it better than wearing anything it helps it heal and your not getting any dribble on it after you’ve gone the toilet well I don’t no about you but mine dribbles gradually after I’ve been for a wee 😂 what position are you sleeping in ?

WestyG profile image
WestyG in reply toRyanr

Yeah mine does too! Thank god that’s normal, I thought I’d need a Tena pad at one point! (Trying to stay positive) haha! I’m gunna do just that tomorrow, and rather on my back or very carefully on my side, but normally I sleep on my stomach which is also not helping the night time issue lol!

Ryanr profile image
Ryanr in reply toWestyG

Well I’m asuming it’s normal my piss flows at 200+mph aswell I’m sure I could piss over the house and land in the back garden if I tried 😂 and I sleep on my side and put a towel between my legs and rest the shaft on the towel but leave the end off so it’s floating on it’s own and don’t put the covers over it seems to work well

WestyG profile image
WestyG in reply toRyanr

Haha that’s cracked me up! 😂😂😂 but yeah I get that, I jumped half a mile when I first pissed I wasn’t expecting it! Not quite gaged the positioning of the stand up piss yet... goes bloody everywhere lol!

Ryanr profile image
Ryanr in reply toWestyG

It’s right though isn’t it I bet I could piss in sub zero temperatures and it wouldnt freeze cause it’s coming out to fast. Mine did the first day I pissed all over myself and the floor but now I just push it out at full speed and land it in the toilet 😂

spartan_21 profile image
spartan_21 in reply toWestyG

Hello.. I had my circumcision 5 days back.. I wanted to know if you have some extra foreskin tied under your penis.. Is it normal.. I don't see how will it go away..

rocky4wd profile image

Based on my experience, having been circumcised a week ago today, perfectly normal & looking like a very neat job. It's not easy to be patient

Ryanr profile image
Ryanr in reply torocky4wd

You’ve been circumcised the same time as me then but seems like your recovering a lot better than I am

rocky4wd profile image

Not exactly plain sailing - 3 days after op I went to outpatients because it just seemed rather messy - Just on my last tablet right now of 7 days antibiotics and finally I can see good improvement and feeling confident that everything now going right direction. Back to work tomorrow.

WestyG profile image
WestyG in reply torocky4wd

I’m on my 5th day of antibiotics! It was bleeding yesterday but seemed a lot better today... it’s been 2 weeks tomorrow since my operation! I just want it healed so I can get back into the gym lol! So yours is all healing ok now then?

rocky4wd profile image
rocky4wd in reply toWestyG

It seems so, 10 days since op. I don't think I was really prepared for how unpleasant the recovery would be and glad I went & got checked rather than wait & worry. The anti biotics and bathing it in sea salt water seem to have sorted it out. Not all the swelling has gone down yet, but now I am pretty sure I am on top of it and with it being less senstive I can also wash it easier. At least I can already pee accurately & not spray all over like before!!

WestyG profile image
WestyG in reply torocky4wd

When you say bathing it in sea salt water do you mean like getting into the bath 🛀? Or like cleaning it with salt water!?! Yeah i didn’t have a clue what was to come after surgery! And the doctors don’t really tell you much regarding it either I asked the doc when I’d be able to go back to the Gym he said I’d be back in by the Saturday!!! No way was that ever happening lol! I just hope for all our sakes that now we have had the anti biotics it’s just a matter of healing!

rocky4wd profile image
rocky4wd in reply toWestyG

I worked on the principal it's only my penis needs the salt water so put it in a bowl and just dip it in swill around and basically bathe it for a minute or so morning & evening at least. The doctor in outpatients recommended it & he was surprised they had advised just indirect showering. As long as you don't soak for a long time I don't anticipate a problem. I'm pretty sure with the anti biotics you will be on the mend.

JamesAP profile image

Hi, i had same advice as WestyG to shower and not bathe, not sure two weeks on wether to try a bath.

I had same issues as westy as in regards on infection, just finished the last of antibiotics today but luckily they seemed to have done the job, even though there's a bit of a cut where infection was which is weeping a tad, fingers crossed that will heal ok.

A bit of the stitch has seemed to come away and my foreskin seems to be bleeding a bit so will see Dr's in the week if it doesn't heal up ok.

I freaked out a tad, having it done privately though nhs there was no follow up after op, not knowing what's normal I left it infected a bit longer then I should have as wasn't sure if it was infected or not.

Hopefully Dr says it's ok, nice reading up and being able to relate

WestyG profile image
WestyG in reply toJamesAP

Hey James, yeah I developed an infection aswell, and true to your word... I also didn’t no what was and was not normal healing so I left it a few days and obviously the infection was getting worse went to see the gp Tuesday who put me on 500mg flucloxacillin and I finish that Tuesday seems to be ok. I was bleeding slightly all day yesterday though but put a cotton pad with Vaseline on the wound and wrapped it up and this morning it seemed to be ok, so I’ve kept it moist in a bandage all day today and probably will for the next few days. I’ve read up and it seems keeping it moist with Vaseline and covered helps t heal a little quicker so we shall see! Hope yours starts healing quickly now how long has it been done for you? Mines 2 weeks tomorrow!

JamesAP profile image

Had done 2 week tomorrow too so should be a simular stages of healing I would have thought, was on flucloxacillin too for 7 days which seemed to have cleared things up, looked like it was doing nothing at first but coming to the end of the course of antibiotic seemed to have cleared up ok, just a bit bloody where infection was but not massively and nothing I'm going to freak out about now.

Not sure how much time I wasted these past two weeks looking down and thinking is this normal haha.

Things seem to be settling down a bit, sensitivity has done down a bit which is good as was hyper sensitive, been using tena men pad but managed without them this weekend, don't seem to need them now so all good, still having to pee sitting down though, was kinda hoping that be fixed by now, tried yesterday and peed at a left angle somehow and hit the bath, maybe try again soon haha.

Hope it all comes together, sounds like your getting there as for me too

WestyG profile image
WestyG in reply toJamesAP

Hey buddy how’s it going? All healing well I hope? Mine seems fine although still not fully healed where the stitches bust open!

JamesAP profile image

My healing has been a tad slow, went to see gp wednesday and he said that it looked ok but slow on healing, possibly due to the infection I had.

Slight blister that was bleeding all this week but seems to have started to heal last few day which is a bonus.

Kinda starting to feel pretty normal, still sitting down to go to toilet but no massive pain, no scared of it getting hit which is good.

Still a way to go before healed might be an extra couple weeks or so I rekon or hope haha until healed.

Did you have to get re stitched? Hope all is well with you too bud

WestyG profile image
WestyG in reply toJamesAP

Ohh good to hear! Nope I didn’t get restitched. I seems to be healing slowly. But no real pain! (At all) so I’m hoping it’s going ok, I sometimes get a dull ache but I’ve put that down to the ordeal of whAt he’s gone through the past few weeks lol! It no longer looks like a dogs dinner but by no means does it look like I’d show it off just yet lol! I just hope it heals ok. It looks lumpy/Bally where the stitches have been which is quite disgusting! But I hope that heals ok! Suppose we will just have to wait and see!

JamesAP profile image

Hey bud glad to hear all is well

I'm going to see a urologist shortly to discuss have a circumcision. From what I've read, the week afterwards can be rather painful but what I'm more concerned about is the anesthesia beforehand. From what I understand, most circumcisions are done in the office under local anesthesia. How painful is it getting an injection into your penis? I've also heard that you feel a burning sensation for about a minute after the lidocaine is injected.

WestyG profile image
WestyG in reply to

Hey rob the week or 2 after is the worsed! The doc asked me if I wanted local or general so I opted to be put to sleep I would pass out if I was awake

Atepatero profile image
Atepatero in reply toWestyG

Hey WestyG,

just wanted to know where you're at with the healing at this point?

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