Got circumcised 5 days ago swelling has started to go down but getting lot of pain from stiches my GPS said I'm getting the cheese cutter wire effect where the stiches slice through skin a little god man stings like a motherfxxxxr any other guys experienced this if so what helped if anything and just started feeling little pain in right testicle? Any advice/info would help
After circumcision : Got circumcised... - Men's Health Forum
After circumcision

I had exactly same. Cheese wire was how I explained it too.
Just had to power through it though.
Lots of salt baths make it heal quicker.
As soon as you get to 14 days go and see your practice nurse and ask her to take them out rather that suffer until they dissolve.
I had mine out at 14 days and things improved rapidly straight after.
Thanks counting the days then I'll get them out but confused why a bruise has just suddenly appeared on my right testicle and why sometimes my scrotum stings like a bitch
What was it like getting them out much pain?
Agony but over in 5 mins. Felt like pulling out rusty nails!
Shit lol
Think I'd rather have a little injection to numb it then get them taken out lol
Worth it for the relief after!
Yeah if they're not dissolved by then which they probably won't only got done 6 gays ago
Can't have them out til about 14 days.
Is it healing well so far?
I think so my GPS sent me back to urologist yesterday because he thought there was to much swelling but urologist told me it's because he has left me with a small cuff so some of my head will still be covered and whole head not exposed
Same here. I have just enough to cover rim of bellend.
Like this ?
Yes was happy when he told me
Me too. I'm quiet happy with the appearance of mine. Just a shame they didn't sew an extra inch or two on whilst they were at it!
Yours look similar then?
Mine still quite swollen but it only been 6 days how long ago was yours done
Whole process has made me feel miserable didn't think there would be so much pain after it
Hello. I've been reading about your experience and I had the cheese cutter effect last night and it was so bad I actually had to get up and I could see the stitch that was causing the trouble, so I snipped it myself...! I hope i haven't done any real damage but the relief I got after a shower was great. I thought it was because of the strong salt "bath" I had. I really just filled a clean small container with warm salt water and dipped it in and left it soaking. I thought I maybe should have rinsed off the salt and that's what was causing the awful stinging luke a mother fxxxer...