Is this normal? Am a little worried about the looks of it. I’m day 7 post op and was just wondering if this is swelling that will go down or am I stuck with it looking like this?
Swelling after circumcision : Is this... - Men's Health Forum
Swelling after circumcision

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The frenulum part is the most sensitive one so the swelling there usually takes the longest to heal. When in bed try to keep your waist elevated about your heart level. Also try to apply frozen peas to your crotch to help lower the swelling. It looks like the incision part is atm covered under skin, so if possible and do it slowly and carefully, try to expose the incision part by carefully pulling the skin back.
Main swelling usually goes down within the first 2 weeks, however some swelling might persist for some months, won't be as severe though.
Unless you feel pain, redness, have problems urinating and feel feverish there generally isn't need for concern.
I can pull the skin back to expose the incision part however I have to hold it there as my skin just covers it back over, I don’t feel any pain (other than a little discomfort from walking about) but other than that no pain redness or problem urinating, just had a concer on the left side of the pic the frenulum part, I still get a small patch of blood in my boxers after I wake up in the morning but I have seen that this is normal and can happen for quite a few weeks until it is healed better, as for erections I am a little worried that I may wake up with one and perhaps do some damage to the stitches is there anything I can do about this or?
But thanks for help
As I said, the frenulum is the most sensitive part, so yes some swelling there can be more severe. There are several posts on these forums regarding swelling and night time erections and how to minimise them. Try to look for a few posts, as one gets someone tired of posting them over and over as I have posted them at least about 20 times but here is a shorter version.
- don't drink past 6 PM
- when sleeping on back, sleep with your knees up
- when sleeping on side, use fetal position
- have something unsexy on mid to help lessen your erection quicker
- alternatively keep a a pack of frozen peas in your freezer to "get it down quicker" when you wake up to it
Erections can be quite uncomfortable but you're already quite a few days after the circumcision and usually stitches do their job by the 2nd week. I assume they will dissolve and won't be needed to be taken out.
Ya it’s goin to be that swollen after a surgery like that. As long as u don’t see any infections like signs then ur good. You can’t see the true look of the penis until it becomes un swollen and not fat like.
This is great support after reading the replies. Mine is kinda like that, but I ended up with a protruding fleshy "tongue" like piece under the front end.
I was REALLY concerned when I had seen that when the bandaging was removed 3rd day in...the Doctor saw it and he seemed so complacent about it...I was wondering if he had redesigned me!!. WTF.
Anyway he wasn't too worried and said it will heal and go away, so long as there was no pain, bleeding etc..Essentially if today was better than yesterday then all is well.
It's just a matter of time, I'm into the end of my 2nd week.
Waking up with an erection is a killer, however it's all part in parcel.
Post op, I now pee a little different...for the time being, standing up will have me making a dreadful mess so have been sitting since having the op for a bit of control ..
I now have to exercise and retract a little to ensure the skin does not healer smaller which would make it harder for me to retract fully. Bio Oil in the shower helps.
Hoping this is some support that we who have had it done recently are on the same boat...
I think that is not normal bady.go and check it to your doctor.i am afraid because this skin atached everywhere and in your condition it probably would atach to the head directly and that is a complication.check in internet when in circumcision the skin makes a bridge to the head
The skin that is "touching" the glans is swollen skin from the shaft and that will not attach to the glans as the incision is covered underneath it. Adhesions can form when circumcised as an infant and the foreskin isn't kept pulled back. Very unlikely when done on an adult circumcision.