On day 7 for the most part seems to be healing well. Concerned about this one spot on bottom left which is tender to the touch. Does this look like normal healing?
7 days post circumcision swelling - Men's Health Forum
7 days post circumcision swelling

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I'm at 5 days, so a couple of days behind you. I'd say that looks normal. If you mean the bruising on the tip of your glans by the 'spot bottom left' then yes this is normal - I've got it as well - except mine looks like it's been in a gangland punch up - or got a severe case of jaundice - black red and yellow at the same time!
Yes, looks perfectly fine.
Just realised that you may mean the swelling between the glans and the stitches. It doesn't surprise me and swelling should be expected with the damage to the soft tissue. You could try bathing it in a beaker of salt water and cold compress to the area (making sure to keep the stitches dry) plus anti inflammatories.
What are all the 'bubbles'. I have them too at day 14
The wound seems to be healing appropriately. How's the pain?

Thanks, you know what, from the surgery I’ve had zero pain. I got 20 oxy and i haven’t had one. I’m on day 9 and the only casual pain is from the stitches rubbing around when I’m walking around. Otherwise, pain free.

The erections are a little tough as well
I bet they are, especially with the stitches still in!