Hi, I have had tight foreskin for as long as I can remember and always thought it was normal until around 15 years old. Lately I have been having issues with smegma build up which I can clean from the head of the penis but since I cannot retract my foreskin behind the head I cannot clean anything beyond this point. This has always been the case but I have started noticing smegma coming out with my cum after masturbating and wanted to know if this would be a point where I should go to the Dr's now to go after a circumcision?
I went to see the Dr about 2 and a bit years ago but as the problem of my tight foreskin is only really visible with an erection I couldnt show him my issues. He just told me that "it will go away in a few years" but I start university this year and have started getting more sexually active and I worry that if I leave it too long then I will start to become embarrassed and close off from seeking relationships or any sexual contact from others. I dont feel like this problem will just "go away" without anything and I have tried stretching before but it did not help me for the few months I tried it but I am just worried and embarrassed to go back to the same GP's which told me it would go away and have to show them dick pics and badly explain my problem (I get really nervous and struggle to get my point across). If I have to go back is there anything I should say in particular to get them to put me forward for a circumcision as I dont think there is any other way for this issue to go?