Right Testicle Pain: Hi, I have had right... - Men's Health Forum

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Right Testicle Pain

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6 Replies

Hi, I have had right testicle pain for 10 years (since 2008) the problem started with just a dull ache in the right testicle that would come and go through the day, especially at work when I would stand for long periods.

But now the dull ache has changed to an unbearable pain which is constant, this depends on what clothing I wear. Wearing Jeans, Trousers or Chinos makes the pain worse, and sitting, bending or walking also triggers the pain. I cant sit for long periods and I cant stand for long periods without being in excruciating pain, my quality of life has reduced to the point I dont/cant do anything.

I have been to my GP many times about the problem, I've had several Ultrsound scans only to find some small Varicocele's and small Cysts, they said they were too small to cause any pain. I was sent to a Urologist back in 2013, they said they could remove part or all of the epididymis, but said the procedure may not solve the problem, they said it could make the pain worst. They recommended pain management and to use Amitriptyline, I found this didn't work, so I've been living with this pain ever since.

I've just recently seen another Urologist who seems more helpful, he has agreed to remove the epididymis as a last resort. He wants me to try Pelvic Floor exercises for 6 months, if this doesn't help he may try a nerve block injection.

The problem is... I cant wait another 6 months, I've had this pain over 10 years and I'm becoming tied, its really wearing me down to the point of being depressed. I am in excruciating agony all day, everyday.

The only time I am free from pain is when I am asleep, I always go to bed with the pain, but when I wake up in the morning the pain has gone (which is bliss). But as soon as I get dressed and go to sit down, or even bend or do any exercise, the pain starts within minutes, and will last the rest of the day.

I was considering telling the urologist that I cannot wait another 6 months, that I need this operation to remove the epididymiss now, and hope it works.

Has anyone here ever had their right epididymiss tube removed with success of revealing the pain in testicle, leg/ and foot?

Thank you in advance for any help and advice.

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6 Replies

What you’re describing seems very similar to some men’s descriptions of PVPS .


The options for addressing the ongoing pain may be similar. Some men have reported that removal of the epididymis helped where others said it didn’t and even made things worse.

If it’s causing you a lot of pain and affecting your wellbeing generally I think it’s entirely reasonable to demand that a urologist takes you seriously and presents some options. Be mindful though that the medical profession’s first response to most things is to cut something out so don’t just focus on that as the automatic solution.

I hope you manage to get something sorted.

We5t profile image
We5t in reply to

Hi, Thank you for your reply.

Yes it seems very similar, I've not had a vasectomy though. I just wish they would perform further tests to find what is causing this chronic pain. I've had an ultrasound scan, urine test, and my prostrate examined. I'm due to go back for a flow test, so maybe they think I'm not emptying my bladder fully. I do have a weak flow at times, and find I feel like I haven't finished.

The urologist reckons its more than likely a damaged epididymis, but cant be 100% sure. I asked if I could have a MRI, he said that wouldn't show anything.

My thoughts are... It does feel like a swelling/faulty epididymis, this is where the pain is, at the top and bottom of the epididymis, its extremely tender to touch. The strange thing is... sometimes after ejaculation the pain reduces, sometimes the pain goes altogether, but other times it can make the pain worst.

I used to think wearing jeans, trousers would always trigger the pain, but that is not the case. I've only got to sit down (take the seating position) even if I'm naked, and the pain will still start.

I'm age 45, slim build, like to keep fit, dont smoke or drink, eat healthy, always looked after myself... I dont understand why this common pain condition is such a mystery to everybody, I'm thinking of having the right testicle removed altogether, but my GP says he would not recommend this option.

Mrblobby12 profile image
Mrblobby12 in reply to We5t

Try this blog post for a lot of information on post vasectomy pain problems:


I see the NHS used to admit one in ten men suffered pain after vasectomy. That information has now been deleted from their updated information page which is pretty disgraceful.

I had a year of severe pvps in 2013 then paid privately for a reversal. Those are £3k so the NHS will not provide. Fixing this mess they will never admit to does not seem a priority. You will get the cheapest crappiest most minimal fix the NHS can get away with

Men's reproductive healthcare, ha ha ha.

Reversal is more sucessful than epi or denervation. Plus leaves the door open for those options. Remove the epi = no reversal option.

Gponline article:


Causes of pain, Journal of Andrology :


Index of PVPS specialists , including the UK:


Good luck getting fixed, but don't let the NHS fob you off cheap about this problem they just keep making for many men but not admitting to.

Prior wording on NHS Wales with one in ten long term pain stat:


We5t profile image
We5t in reply to Mrblobby12

Thank you for your reply...

Like I said, I've not had a Vasectomy, so the pain I suffer will not be related.

My ultrasound scan showed two small epididymal cysts on the head of the epididymis, and some various veins, but I was told they are not large enough to cause the pain and discomfort that I'm in.

I think the Sonographer who performed the scan said they were 2mm in size, and that they need to be 4mm or larger to cause problems... My thoughts were, doesn't it depend on the patient whether a 2mm or 4mm cyst, and various veins become painful or not?

I do get some pain free moments on and off, they only last a few minutes or can last an hour or so. This pain all started 10 years ago when I worked in a warehouse, I would be on my feet all day, plus a lot of heavy lifting was involved. It all started with a dull heavy ache in my right testicle, the ache would travel down my leg to my foot, this would be very achy, but manageable.

As the years have gone by the ache now turns into pain, and has become more frequent, all day, everyday... except when I am laying down asleep. I wake up in the mornings with no pain at all, but as soon as I get up and get dressed, sit down or bend, the testicle starts aching, and then gets excruciatingly painful for the rest of the day.

The pain is felt at the top and bottom of the epididymis, down my leg and in my foot. The urologist has said the leg and foot pain is referred pain from the testicle. It does seem like the epididymis is at fault, seems to be swelling and becomes extremely tender. Maybe there is a blockage, or unless it damaged in some way. Maybe the two small 2mm cysts are causing the pain, or unless its the varicose veins?

Surely the doctors need to investigate further, perform an MRI or some other tests to find out what is causing the problem. They cant just go in and perform an operation and remove my epididymis and hope for the best, that is just ludicrous...

I will have to contact the hospital and explain I would like further tests done so I can have a correct diagnosis, as it stands at the moment I have had this chronic pain condition for 10 years, and I still dont have a proper diagnosis.

Has anyone here undergone a Epididymectomy or had varicose veins removed to stop chronic pain, and has it worked?

Mrblobby12 profile image
Mrblobby12 in reply to We5t

Sorry on a mobile and misread, then jumped on my hobby horse.

Have you been through the pain relief ramp? Naproxen, Diclofenac, co-codamol ( last one addictive). 60/1000 co-codamol usually was enough for me but it is very sedating and you may well be much much worse off than I was.

In the year I had fairly severe post vasectomy pressure pain and inflammation the above let me work, but did not get me pain free.

Gabapentin or a ramp of Amitriptyline can help for some pvps guys but with a ramped dose. Did you think about going higher or was it not well tolerated?

If you have a form of blockage and pressure pain very hot ling nightly baths can help. This takes the testicles over temperature and so slows sperm production. A cheap home option to try?

If you are unsure about surgery, possibly you could spend the money for a private urology consult 2nd opinion before committing.

You may want to post about your problems to postvasectomypain.org, as that is a destination where the afflicted gather, and not just those with vasectomy caused pain. Also maybe search the forum for prior discussions similar to your own situation.

If surgery is the best option you can find, make sure you get a specialist surgeon who does a large volumes of the urology procedure. Ask them their outcome statistics for sure.

This is just all my 2p worth from my own experiences which are somewhat different to your own.

I hope you get fixed up, I had a year of bad testicle pain and it was pretty awful to live through. I know chronic pain is freaking grim.

I would maybe go for a 2nd opinion, spend a little privately to be sure of your ground and also get a price for a procedure from them.

If high dose co-codamol along with Diclofenac is not holding your pain in check then it sounds like your are going to be forced into some form of surgical intervention.

Just possibly double check the 1st guys homework a little if you can.

Really hope you get sorted and back to normal soon.

We5t profile image

Hi, Its been 11 days since starting the pelvic floor exercises, and the right testicle pain has subsided. I actually had 3 days of being pain free (this was bliss) but the past 2 days I have been in pain again.

The strange thing is... after the first 3 days of starting the pelvic floor exercises, I had pain in the left testicle and left leg for the first time ever. I normally have right testicle and leg pain, not left, so these exercises must have had some sort of impact on my left side.

I used to think when I was in pain the right testicle would swell, but I've now noticed this is not the case, I can have pain with no swelling. Many times I can feel the head of the epididymis swelling, its really tender to touch. Then other times I have pain with no swelling, its so very confusing.

I'm not so sure its my epididmis at fault, sometimes I think its a varicocele. The ultrasound showed some 2mm veins in my right and left testicle, but the doctor said they are not big enough to be causing the pain.

It certainly feels like a nerve is involved somewhere, I suppose either the epididymis or varicocele is swelling and pressing on a nerve.

I dont know whether to have surgery or not, should I have the epididymiss removed or the varicocele removed, or just try putting up with the ache/pain and hope it eventually burns itself out (10 years already).

I have always hoped that one day the pain will just stop, something will change in my body as I become older and the condition will just alter or stop altogether.

If I had surgery to remove the right epididymis, what happens to the sperm, where does it go? What side effects are there after surgery, are they permanent?

Thank you for reading. ;)

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