I have a dull ache in my right testicle or bollock if you prefer. Had it for a while and typical male thing dismissed it, then the other day found what felt like a knot in the tube of my left one, not to be confused with the epydidymis squidgy thing. Anyway getting my tackle checked out tomorrow. Not nice having a stranger mess with your bits but has to be done, so if anyone is in a similar position get checked out it could save your life!
Testicle pain: I have a dull ache in my... - Men's Health Forum
Testicle pain
look up Epididymitis or varicocle .. could be one of them i got a varicocle left side and what I thought was Epididymitis aswell, I got an operation next month for a microtese as mine arnt producing any sperm! So there extracting it to see if they can find any
Thanks for your reply, off to GP in an hour so see what happens.

let us know how you get on, me and the mrs been trying for 5 years :/ I’ve had all tests done so microtese is next step for me
will do, just off now after a shower
Cheers all ok, thanks for your concern/message.

what they say the doll pain is then?
Just have to live with it, It's not so painful that I need painkillers or anything. Thought GP would send me for a scan but not overly worried. He said testicular cancer generally affects young men. If it persists I will demand a scan.

I probably have it lol
Thanks, all ok in the Men's Department!

Hidden, dealing with this too. Did you get any help?