My cure for persistent Balanitis and/or... - Men's Health Forum

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My cure for persistent Balanitis and/or Thrush. Stubborn penis rash that won't go away.

Pete55 profile image
19 Replies

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I found a cure for myself.

Afetr suffering with this for 2 months and trying suggestions here, which failed for me, I went to a private doctor, this is the 2 things I did:

1) Applied Iodine by Betadine 60ml but any Iodine solution will do. It's a brown liquid and you mix it with around 50ml or so cold to warm water (not hot), until the solution looks like the consistency or a strong English Breakfast tea (of course without milk). Place the penis head into this solution for 5 minutes. Do this twice a day.

2) Secondly, a prescription to antibiotic Doxycycline at 100mg x 28 capsules. I took one twice a day for 2 weeks.

This worked for me! Although, due to getting this remedy in parts, I did only the Iodine part for the first 2 weeks on its own. This cleared the skin up but I kept the uncomfortable swelling feeling in the penis shaft and testicles.

When eventually getting the Doxycycline it soothed the swelling feeling too.

If others try this remedy please write your experiences here too so we can see if this is a global cure (cure for all) for this very strange disorder or not.

Prior to this I also tried Canesten HC, which always worked in the past for this condition which I believe is Thrush and/or Balanitis. Balanitis being the product of Thrush.

Really hope this helps others out there! Please post your results if you decide to try this.

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Pete55 profile image
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19 Replies
23yearsold profile image

Hi Pete. I hope you are still active because I struggling with the same. I was prescripted the same antibiotic as you by a private doctor, but it is only soothing the sweeling in the testicles. The pain and the redness in the glans are still there, so I guess I should start with Betadine. When did it start to get better for you? Ive been dealing with this for 5 months and I’m afraid that my penis will never be as it was. It is so depressing

Determination2 profile image
Determination2 in reply to 23yearsold

Hi, I have balanitis for over 3 years now. First used various creams Elidel and ointments they only work for short period of times. Had a biopsy in Oct 2018 and just had a circumcision 3 weeks ago. The biopsy didn't show anything surprisingly but the urologist suggested to have circumcision. The glans still have a red spot on the top of the penis and some pain. Did any one try this method is it really work? I seen 6 different dermatologist/urologist no one prescribed any antibiotics apart from creams which don't really work or only for a short period of time.

23yearsold profile image
23yearsold in reply to Determination2

For me the antibiotics didn’t work. Plus, I’ve had horrible testicular pain and back pain (where the kidneys are). Right now I don’t have any special pain. Only the red glans and the pain in the glans. Its frustating but I just assumed that my penis will be like this and I reject to apply more useless creams because they are making it worse, I think. It is so depressing that we have to deal with this and nobody can provide a solution for us

Determination2 profile image
Determination2 in reply to 23yearsold

There must be a solution. Don't stress yourself over it will work out. I am going to also see a specialist abroad in near future. If I found a solution let you know.

Spartacus124 profile image
Spartacus124 in reply to 23yearsold

Hi, I have the same issue going on 1.5 years now, many doctors/ specialists/ creams.. I am going to try this remedy next so will keep you posted if it has any effect 👍🏻

23yearsold profile image
23yearsold in reply to Spartacus124

Be careful. I was also prescripted Doxycicline by my doctor because I had some testicular pain and my hand was sunburnt. It makes you really sensitive to sun or light. Plus, it didn’t work for me. This seems like a nighmare which I cannot wake up from. It is so frustrating that the solution is so difficult to find

Spartacus124 profile image
Spartacus124 in reply to 23yearsold

I agree, its super shit.. what are your symptoms? Do you have a picture?

After I pee my condition feels inflamed for about an hour, but it’s always there to some extent.. along with a hard to see deep skin rash which most doctors pass off as nothing..

23yearsold profile image
23yearsold in reply to Spartacus124

I had a sexual oral relationship without protection. Then I had diarrhea for 2 weeks, the longest of my life. Afterwards, My glans was totally pink and suddenly I had it covered by a dark red rash... One month later, I had horrible testicular pain for 5 months which made me wish to be dead everyday. I had never felt such a horrible pain. Now the testicle pain is mostly gone but I have low back pain and in the front on the sides (where the kidneys are). This makes me believe that the bacteria or whatever this is, has moved from the glans to the testicles and now to the kidneys. Its so frustrating but I gave up on doctors because they act like the ones you visited, telling me the redness in the glass is nothing and that I am basically crazy. I was so frustrated that I ended up believing them and going to therapy, without any substantial changes to the situation. I think that when they dont know what you have they just tell you “its your mind”. It has been the most horrible time of my life, Im just 23 and Im alone in a city which is not my hometown, far away from my family and its been really depressing. I also have a really bad knee pain without explanation and I am consulting a rheumatologist because it all started at the same time mostly after that sexual encounter. She told me there are many bugs you can catch during sex that are not usually checked in std tests, and cause reactive arthritis (an autoimmune disease) And I am sorry for the long text but I feel the only one who can provide me understanding is a stranger with the same problem (or at least part of it). Right now, I am at work. I will try to post a picture later

Spartacus124 profile image
Spartacus124 in reply to 23yearsold

I have 3 more doctors apointments this week with different specialists and am also trying the betonnine and a new antibiotic.. I will continue until I find the problem.. When a doctor can not find anything wrong, or tells me ‘Im making it up’ I just move on to the next doctor.. We can beat this, just need to unlock the right door.. send me a picture so I can compare condition, I have a post with a picture on this site..

23yearsold profile image
23yearsold in reply to Spartacus124

Hi Spartacus. What you have feels exactly like what I have. My penis was completely pink. But now it is like in your picture, slightly red and painful in the glans. However, I had more complications. The thing is that I even got many swabs taken from the glans and it always comes up negative. Its frustating. Did you have anal intercourse? Because I am homosexual and it all started for me when i had oral intercourse intermittent between penis and dick. So my final guess is that I got infected with faecal bacteria. Because I am negative for all the typical stds so i cannot find another explanation. I also have two appointments this week but mostly because of the back pain. It feels like my kidneys are throbbing and its quite painful so I don’t mention the glans dicoloration anymore. I give you a lot of strenght and support, I know exactly how hard it is being told everything is OK when you know its not that way. And hopefully you don’t get more complications like I did

23yearsold profile image
23yearsold in reply to 23yearsold

I think that when people get balanitis the whole glans gets very very red. What we have does not seem like balanitis for doctors, it seems like irritation. And it may be irritation, I don’t know. Did u have any simptoms before this? Like diarrhea or something like that

Spartacus124 profile image
Spartacus124 in reply to 23yearsold

No other symptoms.. Not homosexual.. Have you got a picture?

If it was faceal infection antibiotics should treat it.. Have you been tested for HSV?

Chris3108 profile image
Chris3108 in reply to 23yearsold

Hi mate I had the same issue as all of you guys.. I tried doxycycline and tried other creams etc etc it wouldn’t go away... I had phimosis aswell, so I got circumcised last June.. they sent my foreskin off to the lab after my surgery and I had penile neoplasia, which sounds a lot like what you guys have, I’d get yourself to a urologist, circumcision was my only suggestion and it’s cured mine completely I’m so happy that I got it done or it could of got out of control tbh... just think one small surgery can make a lot of difference

23yearsold profile image
23yearsold in reply to Chris3108

I am already circumcised...

Chris3108 profile image
Chris3108 in reply to 23yearsold

And you get it ? When did you get circumsised ? Send me pic of what you have mate

Spartacus124 profile image
Spartacus124 in reply to 23yearsold

Send me a pic... I want to see the similarities.. any progress?

23yearsold profile image
23yearsold in reply to Spartacus124

How can I send a picture?

Spartacus124 profile image
Spartacus124 in reply to 23yearsold

Create a new post.. how you getting on?

I'm not sure if I had balanitis in the beginning because it was just 2 dots and a very small patch on my penis gland not sure what caused it probably too much sex lol or contact dermatitis from using a new detergent (tide all in one which is when the problem started and I have sensitive skin and I'm circumsized and I am conscientious about cleansiness) so I used taro-mometasome cream on it (since it cured psoriasis on my scalp) and it got red and doubled in size. I went to the docs office and he prescribed me fucidin cream and it got even more worse so he prescribed clotrimaderm cream and now my whole penis gland is totally red and the skin is dry and flaking. I should have just left it alone and applied skin cream on it and it probably would have cleared up in a few days on it's own. It's only been a month but I have never ever seen a condition like this and my Doc seems to be treating it as balanitis eventhough the only symptoms I have is redness, slight swelling and dry flaky skin which may be from the meds and nothing seems to be working to reverse it. I was tested for a std/sti and UTI and it all came back negative. I know it's been 3 years since you posted but did you ever get cured. I think the redness spreading may be caused by the prescribed creams and I've been so stressed out that I broke up with my lady. I don't even want to think about sex until my problem is reversed and cured. I have searched everywhere for a cure and after reading some cases It seems like the medical profession have no idea on what they are doing to treat this problem and it looks very discouraging considering there are many men who have been dealing with this for a long time. I just stopped my treatment yesterday to see if it is indeed the creams which is causing the redness spreading and I am really not to enthusiastic to see my Doc again as it seems like he is guessing and not sure how to treat it. On other sites many have claimed that Urologist, Dermatologist and of course the Doctors don't know how to properly treat it. I am so stressed and frustrated over this that I don't really know what to do anymore. It's only been a month but sure feels like it's been so much longer without any encouraging results. I'm thinking on going nature's way and considering either aloe vera gel or buy an aloe vera plant and use its gel inside or was considering using pure virgin coconut oil as they both have antibacterial and antifungus properties in it. I bought some vitamins just in case to help bring my immune system back up to par as the stress is affecting my sleep lately. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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