Hey guys big day is Thursday ... anything in particular i should wear for the ride home or have in handy at home. I should be able to take 2 weeks off of work without a problem ...
Post circ clothing ..: Hey guys big day... - Men's Health Forum
Post circ clothing ..

Hi mate I was Circumsised last Thursday and I was worried about what to wear too. It doesn’t actually matter what you wear because you will be numb in that area for about 6-7 hours after surgery. Even if you have a general anaesthetic (like I did), in terms of once the numbing has worn off, wear tight boxers they help to keep everything in place and not to let sensativity bother too much
I’m a week after op and still sensitive tbh some people say tight boxers some say loose basically do what works for you..for me I wear nothing at home naked from the waist down and it feels great
Allstar, I note you say 'ride' home and not 'drive' home, because it's important not to drive yourself anywhere until your penis has healed. So I assume you will be given a lift by a sympathetic friend or family member who will try to avoid a bumpy journey back home. In my case it was my eldest daughter (a student nurse at the time) who was my brick through everything I had to endure.
Before we left the hospital she first told me not to replace my pants, just my trousers. That helped to a small extent because all I wanted was no pressure on the circumcision wound. But In her car travelling home I was still very uncomfortable. She suggested I unbuckle my belt, undo my trousers and take out my bandaged penis.
What a huge relief that was!
PLEASE DO use loose-fitting clothing - both day and night after your circumcision. And even go naked from the waist down as best you can from day to day until you are fully healed.
I hope you will find something similar to the support I was given when my penis healed. My daughter - still my brick and now a qualified hospital Sister - continues from time to time to give me advice about making the best of my circumcised penis. But it's from her viewpoint as a female - trying as she does to understand a male perspective.
Oh, and do keep in mind that you have the right to REFUSE a circumcision, even if your doctor refers you to a urologist for the operation.
Naked is best tbh lol