4 weeks post Circumcision : Hi all, I'm... - Men's Health Forum

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4 weeks post Circumcision

Jayss profile image
20 Replies

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Hi all,

I'm 4 weeks today post Circumcision, how am I looking?

Most stitches are gone and I can now get an erection with very little discomfort, although the head seems bigger but feel I have lost some length!!! Really find it difficult now not to have sex but I only need to wait another 2 weeks so will persevere!! Lol

Not wore a bandage now for almost 2 weeks, it's still a little uncomfortable but trying to get used to it before I go back to work, which is in another week!!

In the first top photo there is like a lump right on the incision line with stiches, will this normal amd will go away?

There are also a few lumps behind where they cut, not sure if this can be seen in the photos, they don't cause any problems but when should they disappear?

I have been taking salt baths twice a day, the cover the head in vasoline but wanted to now if I should now start using Coconut oil on the whole penis?

Thanks in advance for any advise

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Jayss profile image
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20 Replies

Be cool

Curlyboi1998 profile image

Hi mate looks to be healing very well!!! I have a similar lump sort of thing kinda like a painless but just awkward swelling below my stitch line too, doesn't hurt but is just awkward...! I'm gonna give it a few days and if it don't go I will go to my doctor or something! Although I believe it'll go down in time as I think it's something to do with the salt baths as it came off the back of my first one yesterday

Jayss profile image
Jayss in reply to Curlyboi1998

Let me know if you do go doctors, I've got a check up in just over a weeks time to check it over.


Curlyboi1998 profile image
Curlyboi1998 in reply to Jayss

No problem mate will do! I'm gonna go Monday if it doesn't subside naturally! I'm gonna give it a couple of days because it's not causing me too much discomfort etc st the minute

Jayss profile image
Jayss in reply to Curlyboi1998

Cheers buddy.

How far along are you?

I can't believe the I'm at the 4 week mark, it's been an experience to say the least!!!

Can't wait to hit 6 weeks to be able to take it for a ride!!! Lol

Curlyboi1998 profile image
Curlyboi1998 in reply to Jayss

Literally only a week today mate, pretty much bang on to the minute I got discharged from hospital! Been a long ride as I'm bed bound and as an active bloke it's been hell!

And mate I second that completely, just gotta make up for lost time on that regard bro! Five weeks or so for me away is torture 🙃

Jayss profile image
Jayss in reply to Curlyboi1998

It does get better trust me!! The first week for me was really depressing, kept thinking what have I done, couldn't see a light at the end of the tunnel but now I'm completely the opposite and glad I've done it!!

I just can't wait to use it, only let the Mrs start getting changed in our room last week, as she only had to show me a little skin and that was it!!!

I've already told her she's getting destroyed in 2 weeks!! 😂😂😂

Dunno how I've lasted, from every night to nothing for weeks!! Lol

Curlyboi1998 profile image
Curlyboi1998 in reply to Jayss

I'm just ploughing through there's nothing else I can honestly do, I salt bath daily now, I Vaseline the gland etc, I let it air dry like not wearing underwear most the time to let it heal a bit etc like

And I feel your pain man! Legit all it takes is her in her silk nighty and I'm gone and it fucking kills 😭😂and that's the man! Similar to me, was daily if not twice a day mostly as of late and gone to pretty much blue balls 🙃

Jayss profile image
Jayss in reply to Curlyboi1998

I literally was naked for the first 2 weeks, just to get air to it, the bandage came off on the evening of the day of the opp (was scary)!! Just didn't want anything touching it and let it get air. Then I started the Sea Salt baths, twice a day and still do that now. Goin to start rubbing a little Bio Oil now I think, heard that helps, that or coconut oil.

Twice a day!! Lucky man!! 😂😂

Curlyboi1998 profile image
Curlyboi1998 in reply to Jayss

Basically the route I'm taking mate! I do have an hour a day I attempt to walk around in underwear etc with a tena pad like 💯and my bandage was insanely tight so I took it off manually with difficulty in a bath about three days after! I only started the sea salt baths yesterday, doing one today and I think I'll start two a day soon too 🙌🏻lemme know if those oils work I've heard good things about them!!! And tell me about it she's a keeper 😉

Jayss profile image
Jayss in reply to Curlyboi1998

Yeah defo mate, I'll keep you posted, goin to start with Bio Oil as I have that already.

I think the second week, I started to wrap double sided wound dressing pads with the gauze bandage losely when ever I went out, then third week I just put the wound dressing pads against my skin so the hair wouldn't irritate it, as i had trimmed before the opp. This week I've used nothing so that I get used to it and it can toughen up, as go back to work in about a weeks time.

I got everything from Amazon, apart from the Sea Salt as it was cheaper for the same Dead Sea Salt in Adsa. It won't let me attach a photo, otherwise I could show u what I used.

And defo a keeper, don't let her go!! Might have to px mine!! 😂😂😂

Curlyboi1998 profile image
Curlyboi1998 in reply to Jayss

Good guy as I may start venturing into buying some form of oil later on during this phase!

Where did the get the dressing pads from? And was that to avoid pubic hair from irritating etc? I wanna try docas much with as little protection as possible although I use pads ATM until the stitches decide to jog on😂

Keeper is an understatement! And omfg ahahaha

Jayss profile image
Jayss in reply to Curlyboi1998

Got the dressing pads from Amazon, search Steropad and they should come up first, I have a prime account and was worth it going through this!! Yeah they were to avoid the pubic hair, as i am trimmed, it felt uncomfortable but have got used to it now without pads.

I'm the same wanted to use as little as possible, to get used to it.

Getting fed up of wearing briefs tho!!!

And I've married her, so don't think I can px now!!! Lol she's a diamond really!! Esp through this!!

Curlyboi1998 profile image
Curlyboi1998 in reply to Jayss

Cheers bro! In a similar scenario to yourself in that regard maybe a wise thing to do! I just want to adjust asap as I gotta go back to uni soon so I don't fall too far behind aha😂and well she seems lovely enough it's safe to say

Curlyboi1998 profile image

My only other suggestion is if the stitches are annoying you is to go to the doctor and get them taken out as it causes unnecessary discomfort after about two and a half weeks!

Jayss profile image
Jayss in reply to Curlyboi1998

To be fair they not causing to much of a nuisance, just want them gone now.


Curlyboi1998 profile image
Curlyboi1998 in reply to Jayss

I hear you! Obviously you're a lot further down the line than myself and stuff! It's looking good though in terms of healing

Jayss profile image

I've used Bio Oil tonight but will get some Coconut oil soon as!!

Will try the ice cube tomorrow and see if they start to go down.

Thanks for th info mate

Jayss profile image

Can I just ask, how many times a day should I use the coconut oil?

Thanks in advance

Stylia13 profile image

It’s exactly like mine 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻

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