Is this normal ? I went doctors on Friday thinking it was infected he said it’s 99% not infected that it’s just swelling bruising and healing from post op? I’m getting worried help anyone in advance ...
5 days after circ: Is this normal ? I... - Men's Health Forum
5 days after circ

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Chris, did you force your skin back to check on your stitches, or did you lose some swelling and the skin revealed more on its own, or did your erections make it reveal the stitches...which one? The truth! Lol
Looks like the pale purple of the bruising coming out rather than the angry red of infection. So your GP is right. All looks very normal... in fact it looks good for c+5 ... way less bruised than mine was at same stage. You're healing well.
Let that gunk take care of its own junk!!! Lol
Man your nature knows how to render the proper nutrients to a soft tissue's injured site and handle business! You just need to relax, be patient, stay clean, eat healthy, don't do nothing xtra to cause oain or more injury, and make it to a new week every week. We can't wait to see your 6th-8th werk results. Do your time like an 12 hour job.
Okay il do it like that then I just struggle to clean the stitch area as I can’t retract the skin still....?
Yeah don't try pulling at the skin. Leave it be to heal. If it has stopped bleeding even during erections and the wound has fully scabbed over, salt water baths may help. Certainly speeded my healing up.
Yes .. compared with many you see on here. You know, we moan about the NHS but they do a good job. The urologist who did you probably does hundreds of circs. in a year and you are benefit to g from all that experience.
How is the incision looking from the top side BTW?
That's what I was meaning .. still swollen over on top. All normal ...👍
You do not have to worry about when to pull the top portion of your skin back. Like I said in a previous message to you, when your swelling simmers down, your skin will naturally (by law of physics) go down, then your entire penis will be viewable. Also, do not worry about cleaning it, your blood and fluids will self clean it as to dispel any foreign debris detected. Just worry about running warm water and mild soap over the outer parts of your penis. The swelled skin is really doing you a favor by covering and preserving your stitch-work, in that way it remains uninterrupted and intact. Do not worry about if your penis looks pretty aesthetic or so, as no one's penis looks appealing during the first 3 weeks of bleeding, pussing, crusting, peeling, cracking, swelling, smelling, splitting, or tearing.
If you notice bro, all of those descriptive words does not sound good in regards to our bodies; which means that if all of those descriptions typically occur in the first 3 weeks, why do you worry about how it looks to you. This surgery that we elect for is something our penises never ever asked for or expected in a million years. So, our penises our acting a donkey and crying their hearts out through the beginning of the healing stage.
Only worry if your scar line rips or tears in two, if you are seriously gushing out blood (not blood spots from stitch tears), or if you are gushing out smelly light colored funky-fluid, or if you are aching, or if erections are tearing you up. Otherwise, just do your time and DO NOT MASTURBATE UNTIL AFTER 12 WEEKS. Some guys start doing it after the 6th week with a whole lot of lube, but in actuality your penile tissue and scar line is still sensitive and new. If you wisely double that 6-week time to 12 weeks and be patient, I guarantee it will be more rewarding to you. Don't be in such a hurry to damage the only penis you're born with for a quick orgasm. I promise you will not be happy with a prosthetic and pseudo-penis! lol
Okay mate thankyou for that il wait a long time then haha
There you go! Lol Mine's was exactly one Tuesday (7 days) before yours. I literally told myself no matter when exactly mine's look up to part, I am not masturbating on diving into a vagina until the American Thanksgiving holiday timeframe. So from June 19th to September 20th is 12 weeks. Then I'm actually extending that till November 20ish (that's 8 more weeks). So 20 weeks in all.
And I suggest this because in reading all the guys' various posts, between 3-6 months some have actually testified to still having pain and raised bumps along their scar line, and it hurting during sex. Some even have said at t months they still have swelling under their frenulum area. So to me, 6-weeks seems like the bare minimum to start acting like things are 100% down way!!!