I've just turned 30. When my brother was 4 years old he was circumcised due to difficulty retracting his foreskin. Even though I had similar difficulties I never reported this to my parents as I saw how much pain he had been in.
My sex life in my 20s was very disastisfying, probably due to a of lack of sensitivity, as, at this stage, I can't get my foreskin to come back at all (also making it impossible to clean my penis which makes it itch sometimes.) I have never had an orgasm from penetrative sex or oral sex.
I went to a urologist and after examining me he recommended circumcision, although he said it wasn't essential as I had no health problems resulting from it. He said that before he did the operation he wanted to talk with me at length about the pros and cons so I understood all aspects of it. He said he couldn't guarente that my problems with reaching orgasm would automatically be fixed by the operation. Unfortunately due to anxiety I wasn't able to have this conversation with him on the day of my examination. To go back to him would cost me £150 which I don't want to spend on what basically would amount to a chat. I think the main cons I've read about seem to be that I would loose sensitivity as my exposed penis would be constantly rubbing off my trousers and I'd lose nerve endings - but as I've never been able to experience much in terms of sensitivity anyway I think the only way is probably up.
Any and all experiences, pros and cons and opinions on this topic are welcome.