Hi guys just wondering if any of you know the usual time it takes for you to be able to safely/comfortably wear skinny jeans etc after you get circumcised?
Tight pants after circumcision - Men's Health Forum
Tight pants after circumcision
Due to the initial sensitivity of the glans (I was circd 3 weeks ago due to phimosis) you will want to wait for about 2-3 weeks or until the incision stops hurting and the glans stops sticking to your boxers. Best bet (depends on how long ago it was did) would be to use Triple Antibiotic Ointment on the glans/incision and relax nude from the waist down. Pants in general won't be a fond idea for your penis, but skinny jeans will make you walk with agony in every step
How are you managing at night? A bed cradle will keep the bedclothes off your body and allow you a good night's sleep, if that's an issue; it was for me!!
It's a time thing again Randomme, I'm afraid. You'll have to see what's comfortable for you in the early stages and live with it until the sensitivity dies down.
As per the title of this thread, tight-fitting underpants, not boxers, are the answer as the sensitivity decreases and you feel more comfortable.
It's a pain (literally), I know, but it won't last too long.
Best wishes.
Yes, tight fitting underpants are the way to go, helps keep things in place. Skinny jeans would best be left for a little while yet.
I honestly started wearing skinny jeans from the 7 day, but I would just loosen some buttons of the pants or I would leave the zip down. It is important to wear tight underwear though