Hello community, first time here. So to begin with, I first started having these red dots on my penis that were not painful at all, but itchy when I first lost my virginity a few years back (when I was 20. I’m 24 now). My first partner sister in law was going to medical school and she informed her of my situation. She said to wash it with warm water daily and that I have to be careful because since I was never circumsiced, my penis is more fragile. It went away after a week or so. Now we aren’t together and I had multiple partners since than and it happens here and there when I don’t have protected sex. Beginning of August of this year, I started dating a girl and we had unprotected sex. Towards the end of August she started to inform me how she is feeling pain when she pees and blisters and etc. We went to the emergency room and the doctors informed her that it was Genital Herpes. We were both shocked and I thought I have given it to her because she said she never experienced any symptoms and neither have I. I got my blood tested for the virus and when the blood test came back, I was negative for HSV Type 2 (0.18) but positive for HSV Type 1 (27.80). We had intercourse 8/9 and the blood results came back 9/12. Is that enough time to show if anything was wrong? I always knew I was positive for type 1 because I had cold sores when I was very young. Pretty sure I contradicted from my mother when she gets them and gave me kisses on the mouth as a young child. So since I was negative for Genital Herpes, we eventually fell apart because she put the blame all on me and still put the blame on me saying that I still gave it to her thru oral sex as we did research that it was still possible for me to give it to her with HSV Type 1 orally. But I haven’t had a cold sore in years. I met a new girl who I really like and she got tested for STD’s and she is clean and I knew I was clean from my last test so we had unprotected sex. It’s been about a month sine we had unprotected sex and she has not told me anything about symptoms but the red dots on my penis has happened again last Sunday (12/3) and has gone away but are still slightly noticeable. I did research and I found it might be Balanitis as it does looks familiar to what I have. I’m going to see my doctor on Monday about it to see what it really is. I never went to the doctor about it in the past years as I did not have medical insurance and it always went away so thought nothing of it. Any thoughts about the situation? No pain when I pee. Itchy when the red dots come and clear discharge in the beginning of it and an odor also. But it all goes away after I wash it with warm water and a non scented soap and pat dry it upto 3 times a day. If needed, I’ll take pictures and post them.
Small red dots on penis and foreskin. - Men's Health Forum
Small red dots on penis and foreskin.

Hi from reading your post it could be one of two things balanitis or thrush they both cause dots and can be very itchy but it could be from the soaps you are using to clean your penis or you and your partner could both have thrush which you can buy treatment from a pharmacy or supermarket and would both need to be treated.
Thanks for the speedy reply Ryan! The soap I personally use is Dove sensitive skin bar that has 1/4 moisturizing cream. The red dots usually come up after unprotected intercourse with current partner and past partners if I do not wash my penis with warm water and soap right after. It has happened in the past when I go to bed without washing up and in the morning it becomes itchy. My guess is leaving the females juices (not sure what to properly call it) on my penis overnight made it happen. Not sure what thrush is but will look into it and will make a doctor visit on Monday for a definite answer. As of now, the itchyness has gone away and no odor or discharge and only faint light red dot that looks like is going away.
It really does sound like thrush I had similar issues but like you I left it and it went away but it’s either your partners giving it you or the soaps you are using with that area being super sensitive as daft as it sounds they do a woman’s cleaning soap called fem fresh my girlfriend swears by it but it has no harsh chemicals or perfumes in and it’s designed specially for them areas 👍