These small red dots appeared after masterbating. They are itchy but not painful or any smell to it. My shaft looks swollen a bit (I am uncircumcised). I will be visiting my GP Wednesday to have a look but would like the communities input on it. Little background info, I did contract Chlamydia I believe in 2015 and got that taken care of. I do have cold sores occasionally but always had then when I was younger (before being sexually active) so am positive for HSV Type 1. Type 2 (genital herpes) is negative. Recently found out not too long ago that my ex was positive for HPV low risk meaning I most likely have it but there are no test for men besides visual indication. Any questions, feel free to ask and I will answer to the best of my knowledge. Thank you!
Balanitis?: These small red dots appeared... - Men's Health Forum

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Are you using a pretty tight grip. May be ruptured blood vessels. Swelling is indicative of too much pressure from your hand. Did foreskin get puffy?
Hi Smilez,
I am always reluctant to diagnose candida on the penis, as its far too often diagnosed . Bu this generalized rash does look like that. Its not herpes or hpv . Is the rash permanent meaning there everyday or intermittent ? related to sexual activity ?
It is intermittent. It happened this past Saturday and by today it is completely gone. It happened before in the bast and I went to my old GP and he prescribed me Mupirocin Cream 2% which seemed to help with it going away and the minor itchyness and 2 sets of pills. First was Levocetirizine 5 MG tablets and the second one I forgot cause I used them all. It appears to happen whenever I cum from masterbation or intercourse so my guess is that maybe a bacterial infection in my cum? Idk.
Also do add. This does not occur EVERYTIME I cum. Happens like, once out of 7 times or so. It's very strange.
no your ejaculate ( cum ) is sterile for infections. You can get staph and strep infections on the penis. Have you been rechecked for chlamydia recently ? sometimes a chlamydial infection can trigger balanitis
If this is happening after sex with your partner , I would ask her to self treat with a clotrimazole pessary or to have some swabs for imbalances like BV or candida. Or use a condom - if the rash doesn't happen, then it means your partners imbalance is triggering this.
Finally remember that skin conditions can cause changes and a topical steroid may help. I think this is unlikely due to the short nature of the problem
Thank you so much for helping. I actually broke up with my long term partner about a month ago and I have been using condoms with anyone new.
No problem at all. I really don't think this is an sti at all , if all else fails a sexual health clinic can assess you when symptomatic hopefully.
Yea I had a feeling it wasn't an STI but more of some type of bacteria or fungal infection. Thank you so much again! Very helpful.
No problem
So my doctor said it looks like candida balanitis. Had to do blood work and STD screening but the cream that I mentioned, he asked if I needed more. He stated that my old partner vaginal juices probably had an infection, something to do with pH level. Not sure what he said word by word but I am going back next week for results. I'll keep you posted.
pH changes are related to Bacterial vaginosis , not candida.
I am not sure exactly what my doctor said word for word but his first diagnosis was balanitis. My penis was back to normal by the time I had mya ppointment which was Wednesday and the symptoms happened on Saturday. I have been applying the cream atleast once a day, sometimes twice, leading to my appointment. I knew it would of gone away so I recorded a video and showed it to my doctor.
That's great and confirms that this is candida balanitis - as a skin condition wouldn't vanish this quickly. If it keeps happening after sex with a partner, then its worth that partner having screening or self treating for candida. remember it is not an sti, it is not passed between people , but your skin can react to a partner having it. If it is unrelated to sexual activity, then its worthwhile doing some tests for things like diabetes, or sti screening.
candida balanitis! This is a fungal infection of the penis. You should use an anti-fungal cream like Fugacil cream to soothe skin irritation and kill candida and yeast. Also, follow a Candida diet: eat non-starchy vegetables, clean meats, healthy fats, tea and cultured foods; avoid sugar, alcohol, and coffee. Wear cotton breathable underwear until the symptoms have disappeared.
You got it right! I actually with to my physician and he said candida balanitis. He took blood work and still had me do an STD screening (needed to be upto date). Asked if I needed more of the cream that I mentioned and I told him no since i still had a new tube at home. Appreciate the diet plan you gave me also!
It varies but it has happened a couple of times in the past. In the past it happened after sex(ni condom with my partner at the time) or masterbating. The photo you see was after masterbation because the previous night I had sex with someone new with condom but did not climax because I was drunk.
The only condom brand I use are Skyn Elite which are synthetic polyisoprene condoms. Latex free material.
I use latex free condoms. I do not masterbate with a condom and when it comes to lubrication while masterbating, I really dont use any lol.
Checked online about the condoms and they use nonoxynol-9, which is a spermicide as a "liquid detergent" they state.
I'm sorry, I have missed informed you. The brand that I use DO NOT use spermicide. I was looking at the common Lifestyle condoms and not specifically the ones I use, Skyn Elite. They state "SKYN condoms and lubricants do not contain Nonoxynol-9. Though the use of Nonoxynol-9 was previously widespread across the world, products containing N9 – as it is also known – have never been manufactured or sold under the SKYN brand. The World Health Organisation has stated that "there is no evidence that condoms lubricated with N9 are more effective in preventing pregnancy than lubricated condoms without N9". Furthermore, the compound can cause irritation and retard the healing of wounds with which it has been in contact."
The night before, I had sex with a condom but could not climax because I was drunk. The next day, I felt like I needed to masterbate because i felt like I had a full tank so I did without a condom.
"SKYN® condoms are lubricated with non-spermicidal silicone oil SK-70 (dimethicone)" as per their website.
Hey, read my previous responses. I misinformed you by accident and the condom do not use spermicide but a silicon oil.
It looks like balanitis to me and fugacil can help you clear it up in several days. It has worked quite well for me and the itching disappeared in one day.
hi, i want to ask you, I new here but it’s happens to me too. what it is?