I'm 26 years old and have had unprotected sex recently. It has been a month now and I started to notice these bumps on my penis. They are tiny, soft and flesh colored, especially they become itchy and irritating when I change my clothing. I haven't had them before. What could it be, please help me
Bumps on my penis, what could it be? - Men's Health Forum
Bumps on my penis, what could it be?

See an urologist. He will prescribe you pills. Hope its not serious.
I looked up symptoms online and diagnosed myself with genital warts. A registered nurse here also thinks that it could be genital warts. She says that these warts can be contagious and some can lead to cancer. I'm very scared and regret now. Why I did stupid thing like that? I can't go to the doctor until next Friday, and I even can't afford to get it treated with surgeries. I searched online and read that apple cider vinegar can help remove genital warts. Should I try it?
This could be genital warts. But, you don't necessarily worry about them because genital warts are so common. Anyone who has sexual intercourse can have chance of getting HPV. If you have unprotected sex with an infected partner, you're able to get genital warts. I also had some last year. I got them removed at the doctor's office but some returned after a few days. I also tried Q-tip with apple cider vinegar without success. Some sufferers suggested vidarox to me and I cleared all my warts with this. But one problem is that genital warts can be incurable. They can come back when your immune system is weak. So, use supplement and eat healthy foods to support the immunity. Hope that these information can help you.