So yesterday my penis was a bit swollen and now my penis foreskin doesn’t go over the head of the penis. Please someone tell me what it is and what to do. I can pull it over it just won’t stay there thanks.
Penis Foreskin: So yesterday my penis was... - Men's Health Forum
Penis Foreskin

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Have you been engaging in any prolonged sexual activity or particularly vigorous masturbation? If so, it’s probably just a bit swollen from that and will go back to normal in a couple of days. It doesn’t look too bad so I wouldn’t worry. I’ve suffered worse swelling from bouts of “over-use”.

Ok thank you.
No problem. Does your foreskin usually cover the end of the penis completely when flaccid? Just because you’re uncircumcised it won’t necessarily always do this. Mine used to cover the penis completely until my mid/late teens. Now the foreskin comes to about halfway up the ‘head’. Women seem to really like the way it looks so I wouldn’t worry if yours ends up the same.

Ok. Yes usually goes over the head
Looks fine mate, lay off the masturbation for a few days and it will be fine. Its a good looking dick you have nothing to fear.
There’s more to your story. How much masturbating have you been doing?
Been there, you should be able to move it back up before to long.
Be gentle with it and if sore try a cool damp cloth to ease pain.