As you can see little dots abit above my hand and just below my penis, I remember noticing them at 13 years old and never thought anything of it. Never quite new what it was and still to this day I am not sure what this is. Does anyone know what it is? Is it a form of herpes or what that’s the only park of my penis is where it has been and it hasn’t effected my sexual intercourse but I’m scared of what t could be
As you can see little dots abit above m... - Men's Health Forum
As you can see little dots abit above my hand and just below my penis, I remember noticing them at 13 years old and never thought anything?

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Can't really see much. Do you have a clearer picture of the spots?
I'm no medical expert but it looks like something called pearly penile papules.
Search this on Google for info and pictures.
How old are you now as you say they've been there since you were 13?
If they are they are papules then they are harmless and not contagious.
It might be a good idea just to check with your doctor to put your mind at rest.
I don’t think it’s the pearly penile papules, there’s not really any spikes or anything common with it, that’s the only good photo i could get without it being blurry
Also have a look on good old Google at "fordyce spots on penis".
Maybe what these are. See what you think.
How do you wash your penis? And do you clean under your foreskin?
Thy are called like carona or something look it up, they are completely normal and not bad at all they are fine and most men have them and don’t notice
The little dots (bumps) are Fordyce Spots. They are normal and benign. Don’t do anything to them.
You would know if it was herpes ..