I'm about 20 years old and have recently grown worried about my ejaculation after masturbating. Whenever I finish there's often no real pressure to the ejaculation... I'm a virgin, which I'm perfectly fine with, but I am concerned that this could inhibit my ability to please a women. Plus it makes me feel like an inferior man... I don't know what the problem could be, whether it's because I masturbate at most once a day, or if it's the norm for masturbation and sex is different, or if it's all done to the sertraline I've been taking for years (I have no memory of a difference before then) I could really use some information.
Young man needing answers regarding eja... - Men's Health Forum
Young man needing answers regarding ejaculation...

Ask your GP about the drug side-effects. Everything you want to know about the penis is here: menshealthforum.org.uk/peni...
I think you are over thinking your situation. If you carry on like this the first time you have sex you ll be so nervous you will end up not enjoying it properly. When people fall in love it isnt just about the sex thats just part of a bigger picture. Its about loving each other and caring and understanding each other. When you meet somebody and you love each other and you realise there may be a problem then you can talk about it and find a solution. Having said that as I am a woman I dont understand exactly what you mean and I would suggest seeing your Doctor or someone who specialises in sex issues and make sure you havent got any problems health wise. I know that when I masterbate it isnt as fulfilling as the real thing so that might be similar to whats happening with you. And dont just worry about it and think your not normal because I wouldnt mind betting that you are. Think possitive get your self a girl and have a go. If you give out too many negative vibes you will put people off. Hope this helps a bit.