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Discharge Infection from long term partner?

Jack76 profile image
5 Replies

In last the last year, had a yellow/green discharge from penis, didn't itch or smell but after swab taken it was diagnosed as Haemophilus influenzae.

This also caused a crackly, chesty throat cough, and GP thought they were linked.

Was put on strong Antibiotics, (Co-amoxiclav) which seemed to clear it up.

Always thought this may have come from my long term GF, as it can lay dormant.

After a few months of safe sex, and then having unprotected sex (we have been together 7 years) the discharge seems like its back.

Can I assume that I am catching this from her, and its in her body without her knowing?Do I ask her to get tested?

GP said this can lay dormant in a lot of people and it never be an issue, but it seems lately if I have intercourse, the discharge seems to re-appear, where before it had vanished completely

Does anyone know of what to do or had similar experiences, with faithful sexual partner, that I have to possibly explain this to?

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Jack76 profile image
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5 Replies
xsevenx profile image

A yellow / green discharge from the penis is never normal. You ought to be tested for chlamydia and gonorrhoea as they both can be the cause of this. Untreated this can seriously affect your and your GF’s fertility. A visit to a Sexual Health Centre may be the best option.

Jack76 profile image
Jack76 in reply to xsevenx

Thanks for your reply.

I was tested as mentioned above with a swab, and was confirmed that it wasn't Candida, Trichomoniasis, Chlamydia, or Gonorrhea.

All I was told is that its an Anaerobic Bacteria (no real name) very common though

xsevenx profile image
xsevenx in reply to Jack76

That’s good it’s not STI. But still a bit of a puzzle I suppose.

There are SOOOO many ways you could have caught this- if your lover is having no signs of it, you could have caught it just by being coughed on/at. You also might want to get checked out for a few illnesses known to cause receptibility to this bacterial infection. She may be a vector, carrier of it but not a victim of it, and if it rises up after sexual contact, you two may want to get checked out if you have not already. And yes, it can lay dormant, Herpes can too but it would seem in your case, this is not the case. IF you two care about each other, I would get all cleared up and have "pillow" fun for 6 months and see if this infection stays away. IF so you both will really have to get going on the avenue of infection to save a relationship. Enough infections could land you with physical damage. But plenty of ways to have sexual pleasure than penetrative sex, lay off the breeding and see if it comes back in a 6month time, then engage in penetration and see if it shows up and then you know it is between you two if it does. And if you have never had anything like this with past lovers,..., well plan on making a relationship decision! good luck.

Jack76 profile image

Thanks OldArmyDog

I was swabbed again by my GP, and he says its a 'slight' bacterial infection again, and I am on a dose of Antibiotics again (Metronidazole).

I had this around 3-4 months ago, and know my partner is faithful.

Again, I had Metronidazole, which didn't do much (it was a much heavier strain then I believe), and then had Co-Amoxiclav which sorted it out. We did then have "pillow" fun for 3 months and it didn't return.

However after intercourse, it seems to be returning.

Like you mention, she has no signs of it, and it just seems to be me. The GP said it isn't sexually related, but seems odd that it returns at the same time as intercourse, but it maybe coincidence?

I do have a very tight foreskin, and shudder at the thought of circumcision (pain etc) at my age. So it maybe that, with bacteria hanging around. I do try and clean it, best I can, and sex has never been painful so have left it so far.

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