Its been 13 days since i had curcumcision, image shows how my penis looks after circumcision. I didn't wash it for 12 days. Last 2 days i have washed it with saline. It seems like frenulum part has developed some infection. PLEASE tell whether its infection, and what should i do further . My doctor is not at all supportive, the one who did surgery left the hospital.please help
infection after 13 days of circumcis... - Men's Health Foru...
infection after 13 days of circumcision surgery

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My God I really don’t know what u must do, but u should definitely change ur doctor if he’s not being supportive
Hi Pdd8, Wow what a mess, I would try and just soak it in a little salt water and keep washing it in just water, no soaps or anything as it will become worse, personally, if your gp doesn't give a hoot, then change your GP and report the current one, you need to be on antibiotics or more surgery to clean that up, even if you go to the A&E, I am no doctor but good luck mate, hope this helps
So it looks like your doctor also removed your frenulum. This is a stretchy skin that holds a larger skin or body muscle in place. Once the foreskin is removed there is no longer of any use for the frenulum so some doctors also cut it for better aesthetics. However, the frenulum area takes the longest to heal. This can take 2-3 weeks longer to heal then the circumcision scar.
Based on what I see I don’t think there is any infection. Just a little of clotted blood. Do you see any pus coming out of there or any foul smell?
If your doctor has given you any antibiotic ointment you can use a little bit of that and also wrap up the wound with some bandage pads and gauze for more secure feeling. Keep your wound dry.