thought i would share this with you all as it had helped me quite a lot! recently i have been having a beetroot and celery salad every day, and i have noticed that my raynaud's is not as severe and nor is my inflammation.
because beetroot contains high levels of nitrate which in the blood is converted to nitric oxide which widens the blood vessels and lowers blood pressure!
it also reduces inflammation that can be responsible for joint disorders and vascular disease. Phytonutrients present in beet juice can help to reduce inflammation in your body and ease any conditions that it may have caused!
and why celery?
Celery promotes healthy and normal kidney function by aiding elimination of toxins from the body. While eliminating toxins, it also prevents formation of kidney stones.
Drinking celery juice every day for a week significantly helps lower blood pressure. A compound called phtalides help relax the muscle around arteries, dilating the vessels and allowing blood to flow normally. To be effective, drink the juice for one week, stop for three weeks, and start over.
The polyacetylene in celery is an amazing relief for all inflammation like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, asthma and bronchitis.
consult your doctor before you try this
i hope it works for you all, fingers crossed!