After a really bad flare last year, I'm finally back in work. I'm obviously feeling better than I was when in the flare but every day is such a struggle, I'm literally fighting with myself to get up and get to work. I live 2 miles away from work and this morning I couldnt even drive myself and had to get a taxi. I'm wobbling all over the place so lucky im in the office all day, I keep getting words mixed up and my typing is awful, its taking me ages to type anything when usually I'm really quick and I keep getting the letters in the wrong order. Im hurting everywhere, I couldnt even wash my hair this morning as it hurt too much to put my arms at head height.
I know even on our good days people with lupus can still feel poorly, a good day is just where we can manage, but surely I shouldnt be struggling this much?
Sorry for the moan, just totally fed up today