Today I woke up in the worst mood ever! I couldnt get out of bed even if I wanted to. Even though I woke up at 8 I didn't make it down stairs untill 11.. I tried to make my self feel better by dying my hair and having a shower and getting ready but I still had a face of thunder! My mum told me to join her walking the dog so I dragged my self off the sofa and chucked Ben in the car (my dog) on the way there my mum put this song on which I remembered as a kid it's was des'ree - you gotta be! And it literally made my day I was sat in the car singing my head off well shouting my head off! And then I court my self smiling in the wing mirror. So my advise to anyone else who just feels like pure poo! Listen to that song every word is like a little bit on sunshine! Charley chaplin once said "a day with out laughter is a day wasted" so from now on it doesn't matter now much I hurt or how sad i am, I'm gonna put that song on and shout it!!
"day without laughter is a day wasted": Today I... - LUPUS UK
"day without laughter is a day wasted"

I do my best to watch Everybody Loves Raymond followed by Frasier in the mornings. If i miss it, i try and catch it on C4+1. Makes me laugh out loud and always worth the effort. even if i crawl back into bed after. Laughter is great medicine.
G. Great to know you moved yourself on from the other day...Emotions are transient and that thought keeps me going on the bad days. And laughter really is good medicine, it does good stuff for our brains.
I think about it like this, I ride this wild horse called life and sometimes I'm in the saddle, in control and hair flying in the breeze, other times I'm under the horses belly, holding on for dear life, but still on the wild horse.
it doesn't matter if it's a song or an imaginary horse, it's a workable strategy.
Best wishes Seb x
Great positive thoughts, thank you M
Loving your outlook x x
Thanks for that - i needed to hear that today!
Awh! Lovely story, glad you managed to pick yourself up xx
I struggle everyday to get up and do a full time job . I am never without pain, only when I have had a steroid injection am I fine. Finding it very difficult to accept , can't find any medication that actually helps my pain .
Thanks we can't forget to smile & laugh. It is easy to get caught up in the negative.
Makes me smile is ''Ellen'' the American talk show. Always cheers me up.