Depression: Please can anyone help as I feel like... - LUPUS UK


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scottty profile image
10 Replies

Please can anyone help as I feel like iam going down hill I was at the docs on Monday he said keep trying come back. In 4weeks I stay in my bed all the time and can't stop crying iam sick fed up with it all

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scottty profile image
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10 Replies
Cobbers profile image

Huge hugs coming your way Scotty xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sorry to hear you are so low. It may help to go back to your dr and take a print out of your post so that they can understand just how low you feel.

Have you got any friends who can come round and give you a hug? Or close family? It is easy to want to stay away from others when we feel depressed, but it is so important to have support from the people who love you.

You are not alone xxxxxxxxx

SLE15 profile image

Love to you Scotty.

Keep those who love and support you around and take joy in the simple things in life that make you happy.

I'm guessing it's hard to do anything right now, but you took the time to write this blog and share; and I think that's helpful in its self.

We're all here for you. Hope you feel better a.s.a.p.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

jennyhe profile image

Hi Scotty, it`s so easy to go downhill have you got friends or close family who you could share all this with? I think maybe another visit to the GP might be a good idea, keep posting we are all here for you ((((((((hugs)))))) xx

traceyd profile image

hi Scotty ...hugs to you i no how it is with feeling so low we are hear for you call a friend or family tell them how you feel ..i do feel for you as i have megga problems with depression you just wont to shut the world out but you will get there try to think of a happy thought or something that gives you happyness mine was music

big hugs to you tracey xx

hazelHollingsworth profile image

Hi Scotty, Oh my friend, so many of us have been where you are and myself many times. YOU have made the move by a) going to your doctors and b) asking us for help. It really is one of the worst symptoms of SLE and it is like being on a rollercoaster that is stuck in the bottom and won't go back up. Is there anyone who could take you for a drive out in the country where there is just beauty and peace. Not a cure but it helps me. Another thing I do (and Yes I know it sounds daft) I sit in a nice hot bubble bath, use the shower head or a jug and just keep pouring the water over my head - see said it sounded daft - But it seems to Wash all my troubles away. Oh I so hope that either of these help you. I just want to stand on the end of a train platform and as the train goes past SCREAM at the top of my voice, just to get rid of all the grief that Lupus causes me, bet that would make us all feel good.

Good luck and I hope you find something to make you smile

lason profile image

Hi Scotty: Sometimes we all have bouts of depression. And we all get fed up. Think about the people who deprend on you. Thats what i do. My children and grandchildren. They do not live here but it helps because I want to see my grandchildren grow up. I take long walks too. Talk to the dog a lot. Think possitive thoughts, I just make myself do stuff no matter what. Writing in a journel how you are feeling helps too. I pray a lot too. Hugs from friends and family are especially good. Hope you feel better soon. And don't wait four weeks to go back to the doctor sometimes you have to really make the doctor liston to you.

Feel better soon

hugs to you

behappy1 profile image

My heart really goes out to you. Xxx You could try listening to a hypnotherapy relaxation track. It can sometimes help. Also try to eat regularly. I know it's hard, but really important to look after yourself. Fresh air is important too. The low feelings will pass, when you have enough positive feelings to counter it. Please do something nice for yourself, like a massage or pamper session, if you can. I've just had 8 weeks of virtually living in my bed and know only too well how quickly it can spiral out of control. The effects of lupus can bring even the toughest people down. Im now getting help from doctors, but some days i slip back. The anti-depressants do help. Got to learn to love yourself and put your wellbeing first. Please, please get some help from the GP. There's help out there. Sending you much love & hugs xxxx

Jaxqueline profile image

Hi - I can really relate to how you're feeling, I have suffered from depression and I did the worst thing - I isolated myself and avoided seeing people. In hindsight I know that that is the worst possible thing to do. Talking to people and letting your feelings out really helps and people were a lot more understanding that I expected. I also stopped exercising which was a major mistake. Fortunately I had to take my dog out which was really my salvation getting some fresh air and a sense of freedom. I am on anti-depressants and am seeing a counsellor which are helping but really the best thing is to talk to people. Is there a lupus group in your area? Thinking about you. xxx

kewsapril profile image

Hi Scotty, really sorry to hear where you are at. Please see your GP. and Keep Posting.. As you can here we have all be in in the same place some of us many times before. It's a really difficult time but please try and keep in contact with friends and family as many have mentioned and although you probably don't feel like getting up and especially eating, please

LupusKaren profile image

Hi Scotty, oh lovely lady, as you will see by all the comments above, so many of us have been where you are at today, and have all been touched by the black cloud that is depression.

You have taken a very brave step by reaching out within this board. Please if you can find the energy to do one thing, do not wait 4 weeks until you go back to your GP, please try sooner, it is not acceptable to leave you essentially adrift. If you do not feel comfortable with the GP you have seen, ask to see someone else.

Lupus is like a sponge, it saps you of just about everything you have some days, I so agree with the tips above, warm bubble baths, candles, soft music, I play whale song, absolutely chills me out. I also find setting myself 1 must do task a day, anything else can wait, but if I manage extra, it really does boost the confidence and gives a boost.

Remember to take a list of what you want to tell your GP, and make sure you have eye contact, and do not be rushed, everyone has been given extra time by a GP before now, so those in the waiting room behind you, will just have to wait, do not feel pressurised.

Good luck.

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