New pet: MorningHope you are as well as you can be... - LUPUS UK


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New pet

JCZW profile image
34 Replies

MorningHope you are as well as you can be.

I'm going through a really tough time at the moment.

Feeling really low and unloved.

My husband bought me the most gorgeous hamster. He is called Nugget.

It has made me feel so comforted.

I talk to him daily. He seems to understand me.

Hope you like the picture. X

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JCZW profile image
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34 Replies
CecilyParsley profile image

Hi, I am so sorry that you feel so low. Nugget is gorgeous. I agree our furry companions bring so much joy and comfort. Lovely of your husband to get you such a thoughtful gift. That is love ❤️

I hope that you start to feel better, always around if you need a chat. You are not alone xx

JCZW profile image
JCZW in reply to CecilyParsley

Thank you that means alot. Xx

RosieA profile image

Ah, a real cutie. Just watching our pets can sooth us, make us smile and the day a happier one. It was a very kind gesture and clearly a loving one.

It's strange, even though I know I am loved, the nature of our disease can be very lonely /isolating; it's a never ending companion and at present it's a daily onslaught. Today, I am exhausted, my hands and ankles are screaming and my WBC etc have dropped after starting my new meds! I just want to take to my bed!

I think, what I am trying to say, is that what you are feeling probably resonates with all of us at some time.

Nugget is uniquely placed to give absolute love and is a lovely gift. Enjoy. xx

JCZW profile image
JCZW in reply to RosieA

Thank you RosieA. I'm sorry to hear how you are feeling this condition just keeps giving and not in a good way.The doctor has put me on a high dose of steroids to help with fatigue etc that comes with a flare. Hopefully they will help.

Animals give us so much, I absolutely adore Nugget. So tiny but gives so much pleasure.

Big hugs to you 🤗. Xx

RosieA profile image
RosieA in reply to JCZW

I am so glad that you have got some steroids to help. Fingers crossed that they do their job soon.

My cat is snuggled up next to me after taking all afternoon to take the hint that I didn't want her on my lap all day. Nevertheless, her gorgeous eyes looking up at me make me smile. xx

JCZW profile image
JCZW in reply to RosieA

💜 hope you start to feel better soon. Xx

stiff19 profile image

nugget is a real cutie 🥰 best wishes for better days 🙏

JCZW profile image
JCZW in reply to stiff19

Thank you. Hope all is good with you. 🤗

stiff19 profile image

still no answers but luckily daughter is to see rheumy soon,🙏🤗

JCZW profile image
JCZW in reply to stiff19

I have my fingers crossed for you xx

stiff19 profile image
stiff19 in reply to JCZW

thankyou 🙏xx

CavendishCool profile image

Awww, looks like Nugget is real gold for you. Nugget seems to already be responding to your love vibes for him and your lovely husband. The sweetest things come in the smallest packages sometimes. Nugget is the proof of that. Tell him everything, 🐹 have massive cheeks, so he can cope. Looking forward to Nugget posts and adventures. Hope you have a coping day 🙏

JCZW profile image
JCZW in reply to CavendishCool

Thank you so much for you kind response. I've only had nugget for just over a week and he feels like my best friend.

He gives so much love.

Sending bigs hugs to you 🤗 x

CavendishCool profile image

Big cheeks, that's the secret, plus they have huge personalities. Animals are just so amazing, from the tiniest to the largest. 🙏🐹

JCZW profile image
JCZW in reply to CavendishCool

I agree. X

Keep smiling as much as you can... even if it's forced and more of a grimace! 😉I'm totally convinced that an animal of any kind is a wonderful distraction from pain and worries,& a gorgeous little chap like that will give you so much pleasure watching his antics!

I've worked with animals and kept pets my whole life.

When my health started taking a nosedive, I "cut down"(natural decline of aged pets and took no more rescues in)on my "smalls"(short for small furries- one of my old work departments!)

As I found a bit of relief from pain with yet more drugs and crutches, I realised that life was still happening around me& I was missing out on my passions &drowned in self pity and felt very alone.

I scoured the small ads for ages and found a young rabbit needing a home.

Since then, I have added an old guinea pig and a baby one to keep him company! I'd been "not buying green bananas"(ie only taking in the odd old pet!)& realised that was a very negative attitude!

Watching my young rabbit mature,& since my delightful baby guinea pig grow gives me something else to concentrate on. Yes, some days, cleaning out hurts, I don't handle them in case I might be in a state where I might drop them, but I am sensible and take care.

I bred these little hamsters for sale at a pet store years ago (a nice, ethical one!),& we had some lovely little guys& happy customers!

I hope you and Nugget share many happy hours together, and a shout out to your wonderful husband for such a lovely idea!

Best wishes and love to you all!💖

JCZW profile image
JCZW in reply to Mustgetaroundtoit

Thank you MustgetaroundtoitWhat a great name.

You are totally right, the last few months have been a nightmare some days I just wondered if it's all worth the struggle.

But I now have nugget who needs me as much as I need him.

My husband is brilliant with me but some days I just think he doesn't understand the daily struggles.

Nugget listens and doesn't judge. I think it's the best thing my husband did for me.

Best wishes to you. Xx

Mustgetaroundtoit profile image
Mustgetaroundtoit in reply to JCZW

I'm so glad sorry to hear of your struggles, but you must never feel alone. People do understand, and we will offer as much support and friendship as possible 😚Little Nugget is proof that your husband truly understands that you had something missing from your life...and he procured a little nugget of gorgeousness to fill the void!😃

On a practical note... go shopping for an excercise wheel/ball/spinner (appropriate to his size! Is he a Russian? )& yes, they make a noise, but those tiny legs can cover miles on a "treadmill"& are hilarious to watch! Hamsters love to "work out"!

I had one once who'd leap into his ball, and spend ages following me around! 😚

JCZW profile image
JCZW in reply to Mustgetaroundtoit

My husband has bought nugget a ball we haven't tried him in it yet as he has just started feeling comfortable getting in our hands and I don't want to force it.He is a dwarf hamster . My husband bought him a huge cage with 4 levels plus the base. It's so funny watching him sort out his toys and bedding.

I find I'm spending ages watching him.

Such a joy. X

Aaaah wonderful! Just offer up the ball to the open door and let him sniff at it (open the door on the ball, too! )& curiosity will get the better of him!Just start him off with a few minutes playtime, and on a nice safe level surface.

Soon he'll be asking for you to get him out.

The spinner type excercise toys are great for in cage entertainment, but do tend to fall over, so a few blobs of "blue tack" out of hamsters reach should hold it secure!😀

JCZW profile image
JCZW in reply to Mustgetaroundtoit

Great advice thank you. X

It's a pleasure! Always here if you need a chat or any questions (not being big headed... just willing to help!)🐾🐹

JCZW profile image
JCZW in reply to Mustgetaroundtoit

Thank you it's much appreciated x

GloomyEeyore profile image

Nugget is just adorable 🥰 I have two Syrian hamsters, (different cages), and I feel that sometimes they keep me going. Have kept hamsters for more than 20 years and they all have their own little personalities. Male hamsters are more docile and easier to handle, females can be more feisty and quicker to bite.

Hope that he helps you feel less low. From personal experience he certainly should. 🐹 ❤️

JCZW profile image
JCZW in reply to GloomyEeyore

Thank you GloomyEeyoreHe might be a tiny little thing but he has already given me so much love.


Babydriver012 profile image

hope you feel better soon, I agree pets do help, give Nugget a hug from me.

JCZW profile image
JCZW in reply to Babydriver012

Thank you so much. I will certainly give him a hug from you.Having such a gorgeous pet doesn't get rid of the pains but goes a long way to making you feel better 🐹

svfarmer profile image

hi JCZW, I’m so sorry you are feeling so low at the moment, pets really do help , Nugget is adorable , can you handle him without him biting as one of my sons had one years ago and it used to bite and wow did it hurt - sending big hugs 🤗🤗💞

JCZW profile image
JCZW in reply to svfarmer

Morning svfarmer

Thank you for your response it really lifts your spirits knowing that people care.

I'm feeling a little better the steroids are helping and of course Nugget. So adorable.

He went into his exercise ball yesterday.

He loved it. You knew where he had been due to a little trail of poo 😂.

He hasn't bit me but he did bite my husband but only once.

Each day he shows a little more character.

Pets are so therapeutic.

I had a Bischon Frise dog for 15 years when she died a took on a rescue cat for 14 years. It's been a while since I had a pet.

I think I should of got one sooner.

Hope you are keeping as well as you can.

Big hugs 🤗

svfarmer profile image
svfarmer in reply to JCZW


sublime profile image

I am so sorry you are feeling not so great. Nugget is adorbable. I had a hamster in my 20's. I agree our furry companions make our life so much better. I lost my beloved Labrador Domino two years ago & I haven't been the same. He understood every word I said and we just had to look at one another to understand each other. Animals just make life more bearable. So thoughtful of your husband x

Black Labrador with a red collar who has just come out of the water facing the camera.
JCZW profile image
JCZW in reply to sublime

Such a gorgeous looking dog Domino was.Beautiful eyes.

It's always hard when we lose our beloved pets they are very much a big part of our families.

Nugget certainly has helped me take my mind off of how things have been.

Only had him a couple of weeks but he seems to understand me.

I talk to him all the time.

Big hugs to you 🤗

Zezes-nan profile image

Sorry you are feeling low and unloved at the moment, Nuggets cute and I hope they bring you a lot of joy and comfort.

JCZW profile image
JCZW in reply to Zezes-nan

Thank you so much.

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