Hi Everyone,We were told in clinic that on Thursday that my lupus could possibly be in remission??🤷 But I still have this spots on my leg and I am extremely tired and exhausted. Keep falling asleep all the time. So dangerous really. Have to keep myself awake with music and noise in the background. I want peacefulness but can't have to have noise in the background 🤷.
But there is no mention of it of the conversation of her saying that I could be in remission. She did say she wants to have the spots checked out by dermatology but waiting list is huge. Plus I am due for surgery and my throat currently is not great. Seem to be aggravating by sinuses?? As it is very coarse also coughed up really nasty phlegm with blood in it. Not too sure why on earth this is all happening 🙄.. Just glad that I am seeing chest consultant tom hoping that there will be some acting from it . Sweating+++ and going from hot and cold too. Currently again Arghh.. also noticed odd discoloration on my skin where the bruising is like pigmentation discolouration which is very odd. There is a pigmentation pattern. This was not there when I saw the consultant on Thursday. Yes , all very bizzare. I noticed it on Sun night whilst undressing as I was very poorly over the weekend. Been unable to breath due to this massive phlegm caught in the middle of my throat which I managed to cough out finally. So , I did save it for consultant to view it and decided if he wants to send it off. It has been in my fridge in a sealed sterile glass tub only thing I could find. Better than anything else.
Sorry , too many things happening all at once very confusing.
Chest - appt tom , hip- surgery next week , SLE - possible remission??
Weird pigmentations on calf of leg next to bruising (been there for nearly 3 years now)
Any ideas would be greatful ?
SLE -remission no meds . To treat conservatively only on painkillers.🙄. Which I am already currently as I have already been off now nearly a year from Hydroxychoroquine.
Been diagnosed with Sjögren's with my eyes also very dry mouth , no wax in ear, dry throat and blisters in my tongue, the last week which, consultant did not even look in my mouth or check my glands.
Which was absolutely shocking knowing that she should have has I have already told her that I have sore mouth .
This was not my usual consultation and we were also not aware that we were having a second consultation it did not even say in our letter. It just says you have an appointment with a rheumatology team. A standard letter🙄. How are we supposed to know . I had to ask for my last consultation letter from my GP as I did not get it .
Great 👍 how to get rid of your patients 😉 and have a good rapport with your clients 😉..
Apologies for the rant , sorry if it sounded a little disjointed my brain is alittle disjointed at the moment too much information in there just waiting to flush out ..
Hope all of you have a good week.
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Update on health situation: Remission ?? - LUPUS UK
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Update on health situation: Remission ??
KnitSewPurl profile image
22 hours ago
8 Replies
Hi Everyone,We were told in clinic that on Thursday that my lupus could possibly be in remission??🤷 But I still have this spots on my leg and I am extremely tired and exhausted. Keep falling asleep all the time. So dangerous really. Have to keep myself awake with music and noise in the background. I want peacefulness but can't have to have noise in the background 🤷.
But there is no mention of it of the conversation of her saying that I could be in remission. She did say she wants to have the spots checked out by dermatology but waiting list is huge. Plus I am due for surgery and my throat currently is not great. Seem to be aggravating by sinuses?? As it is very coarse also coughed up really nasty phlegm with blood in it. Not too sure why on earth this is all happening 🙄.. Just glad that I am seeing chest consultant tom hoping that there will be some acting from it . Sweating+++ and going from hot and cold too. Currently again Arghh.. also noticed odd discoloration on my skin where the bruising is like pigmentation discolouration which is very odd. There is a pigmentation pattern. This was not there when I saw the consultant on Thursday. Yes , all very bizzare. I noticed it on Sun night whilst undressing as I was very poorly over the weekend. Been unable to breath due to this massive phlegm caught in the middle of my throat which I managed to cough out finally. So , I did save it for consultant to view it and decided if he wants to send it off. It has been in my fridge in a sealed sterile glass tub only thing I could find. Better than anything else.
Sorry , too many things happening all at once very confusing.
Chest - appt tom , hip- surgery next week , SLE - possible remission??
Weird pigmentations on calf of leg next to bruising (been there for nearly 3 years now)
Any ideas would be greatful ?
SLE -remission no meds . To treat conservatively only on painkillers.🙄. Which I am already currently as I have already been off now nearly a year from Hydroxychoroquine.
Been diagnosed with Sjögren's with my eyes also very dry mouth , no wax in ear, dry throat and blisters in my tongue, the last week which, consultant did not even look in my mouth or check my glands.
Which was absolutely shocking knowing that she should have has I have already told her that I have sore mouth .
This was not my usual consultation and we were also not aware that we were having a second consultation it did not even say in our letter. It just says you have an appointment with a rheumatology team. A standard letter🙄. How are we supposed to know . I had to ask for my last consultation letter from my GP as I did not get it .
Great 👍 how to get rid of your patients 😉 and have a good rapport with your clients 😉..
Apologies for the rant , sorry if it sounded a little disjointed my brain is alittle disjointed at the moment too much information in there just waiting to flush out ..
Hope all of you have a good week.
12th November
I saw a new Chest consultant yesterday as I coughed up blood over the weekend first time ever and it was quite a large amount too. Too it to show her.
Plan : to get another sputum sample before starting antibiotics and1 after completing it also on Nystatin-Yup , she had a look at my tongue and throat and saw my blisters .
She has requested
Immunology test there are 3 different types of them she has requested and a MRI of my Chest. I am having my blood test done on the 27th it is the earliest date they have . This is the first time someone actually triggered an Immuno test. All these years I have said I needed one . Because of my multiple allergies and what lack of immunity and take on vaccines and no one actually bothered. I am actually glad now someone is doing something
This month has been the busiest month of hospital appointment. Every week there has been a hospital appointment.
Thanks for your replies much appreciated x