so my GP printed off the correspondence between him and the rheumatologist which I picked up from the surgery on friday only to find it was correspondence from the rheumatologist only.
He started with "you will have correspondence and referrals about "THIS WOMAN"(who does he think he is to say "that woman"?)from previous years.she has been concerned about the change in shape of her facial bones abdominal swelling (not his department) and facial rash,thinking strongly she has Lupus.Pagets disease or Acromegaly.I have been through her investigations and explained why(NOT to me he hasn't)we do not think she has those conditions.she has elbow pains,heel pains and musculoskeletal chest pains.She asked for a review and i have explained -again not to me-that it may not happen but of course i would accept changing this to a referral if you feel it would help/.
Firstly it is not i have been concerned about the change in shape of my facial features,why do doctors always use the word "concerned"?
I know my head has changed shape and that there is pain and deformity to my facial features-nose .cheekbones,jaw ,skull as well as swelling and bruising and /or discolouration,blood head is painful when in the sun.and the butterfly rash was present on my face when in the sun.
It is not me who thinks i have lupus pagets and acromegaly but the consultants and GPs who have confirmed my symptoms.
re "review" -not asked by me .gp requested referral.first rheumatologist stated "her hands are warm so she does not have Raynauds.My Raynauds was diagnosed in is a condition caused by the cold so cannot be confirmed or diagnosed in a warm hospital clinic/room.
the same rheumy also said it is unlikely she has Fibromyalgia which was diagnosed in 2005.