Hi everyone.
I started with a flat purple rash last Tuesday. It’s spread across my stomach and down the front of my thighs. Then a more sporadic raised rash started on shoulders, back, and then my hands and arms on Friday evening. The first marks on upper body looked like I’d scratched the skin. Yesterday it started on my feet and lower legs and into my hairline and face. It didn’t start itching till Thursday evening.
I saw my GP on Wednesday and he took a full battery of blood tests. We’re still waiting for most of them as it’s now bank holiday so hoping for more answers on Tuesday afternoon. I’m on antibiotics to help prevent infection, strong antihistamine, betamethasone ointment to help soothe and clear it. I already used Dermol wash.
He’s thinking autoimmune/SLE lupus. I’ve got fibromyalgia, psoriatic arthritis, diabetes etc. Looking at lupus, I do have other possible symptoms but not the butterfly face rash.
I’m going crazy wondering what it is and it’s got at least 2 GP’s confused at my surgery. Any idea’s would be appreciated but I’m not going to change the current “treatment” before I speak to GP again.
Thank you.